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I had a thought for a brilliant driving game. Top Gear UK

I have been a fan of the British (original) Top Gear since a gear head friend of mine showed me downloaded episodes many many years ago. In preparation for the newest season, I have been watching old episodes. One thing has occured to me through this series of viewings, and over the past few years: Why isn't there a Top Gear video game for this generation?


I am well aware of   Top Gear as an old Super Nintendo game. That was an okay racing game. But I would think a new generation, based on the BBCprogram would be amazing. There are several situations that could work for this proposed game.


- Each level could be preparation for an episode of Top Gear.

- There could be auctions to buy a car in budget and prep that car for an undisclosed set of challenges. This car could be totally adjusted, and you could pause to adjust the quality of performance (similar to setting up a car in Dirt to Daytona).

- You could have to do performance tests on cars on a test course and road tests. This series could include check points where speed and perfect driving is needed (to record the testing and promo videos).

- On each level, you could play as the Stig, and be required to perfectly drive the test track in a preposed vehicle.

- There could be the usual zany challenge (such as drive a Robin from point A to B without flipping it, or build a car boat that can meet certain challenges).

- A complete online challenge system.

- Free drive for road and circuit courses.

- Commentary from the actual Top Gear crew.

- Different driving types such as rally, luxury, 4 weel drive, muscle, and super cars.


As I see it Top Gear UK: The Game would provide entertainment for the people who don't find driving games fun, those who like the complexities of motor sports, and the people who just like a good game in general. There is opportunity to make the game fun and humerous, but maintain a very serious driving side. The only fear is that such a game would be turned into a Tony Hawk type game... or end up as a simulator. It should be more about test driving but meeting goals and having some freedom with the set-up of your vehicles. Maybe this is a game too huge or expensive, but I would really love to see this game be made. Oh, and did I mention that the sponsorships should not be a problem for such a game, since the show pulls in cars for reviews like crazy?