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Time for Microsoft to Rethink Xbox Live Arcade Games

   After recently completing Lara Croft Guardian of Light, a friend of mine (Hey Mike - you'll likely be the only one to read this outside a possible moderator to ensure propriety) commented on the value of the game to which I readily agreed, although since Microsoft generally does a deal of the week for the popular titles, I generally will wait for the deal which just indicates I like a deal not that the value is affected by my not purchasing it right away .   
   My problem and hence the topic is that such games as this provide almost as much entertainment if not more in some cases than a great deal of retail titles, yet are limited in achievement points associated with these titles. My proposal is that arcade games should be given a sliding scale of achievement points (I know that such a non-conformist idea would probably never fly with Microsoft) based on the price of the game.  I am aware that Microsoft allows game developers to assign the cost of the game to buyers within a Microsoft Points framework, yet with a great deal of websites that rate games any game that is overpriced will be exposed and the price would have to be dropped to get an appropriate number of buyers.  
   Games such as Shadow Complex, Lara Croft Guardian of Light, the Deathspank games and others surely deserve more than 200 gamerscore points.