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my collections

as an avid collector of pretty much everything that catches my fancy i decided as a very cocky person to show off some of this i collect movies, vidoe games, toys etc and since i ami to please i would like some feedback and of course suggestions if you want reviews gameplay videos and the like 


finding a use for trophies and achivements

before you just shun it as a nother complaining blog this actually my idead of what to do with achivements so here goes
i was thinking since making achivement points worth real money would be a extremly bad bussines move i thought about this.  Make a downloadable game wich main feature would be breeding creatures and use the avatars and the home characters as well your avatar, now use the achivement points and trophies as currency tu buy gear and upgrade your breeding grounds.
One very important thing is this game has to be devoid of trophies, so what would be the point of a game for achivement and trophie whores that has no achivements you  ask well is pretty simple after breeding and armoring thesse creatures, what about monthly tournaments thats gonna have some prizes like say a map pack asking for sponsoring from said company the company would have a rise in popularity for giving away free stuff to the people while promoting their dlc to the people that join the tournament so there you have it sorry about my punctuation i'm still learning


super street fighter 4 makes me very happy

so i got super street fighter 4 like 5 days ago and i must admit after i sold my copy of the regular version (wich i got on special edition, i still keep everything but the game thanks to my buddies at blockbuster) i was litteraly jonsing for my fix of ssf4 cause i had no money, but after some dirty tricks i gathered enough and now i got it and love it.
dudley is back wich was my favorite character form sf3, as of right now i'm triying to get used to the ps3 controller for fighting games since i use the stick the location really lower my performace but i'll fix that soon
anyway see you online add me psnid:donvarone i speak english spanish and french and i do have a bluetooth headset (it was 16 bucks lol)


cowboy games

today we are gonna talk about cowboys video games well mostly the ones i like, anyways starting with sunset riders a small arcade game mady by konami and then ported over to the snes.
Sunset riders is a small shut em up featuring four character bill, bob, cormano and steve bill and steve have pistols and bob and cormano use shotguns so bob is always my choice the game has around 7 levels of pure shooting fun.
Wild guns now this one is a little hard to explain is sort of a shooter where the backgorund is stationary and you move your character while shooting and avoiding bullets the best part is is not the common old west is more of an old west with giant robots and cool weapons.
well is late so for now that is all tomorrow i'm gonna continue this so have a great day everyone