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Whiskey Media Subscriptions

So I get paid tomorrow and now have to try to figure out if I'm going to take $50 and pick up a yearly membership.  I get it, monatizing a podcast is nearly impossible and there haven't been many ads supporting the site (and those which have for the most part have looked the part), and it's a large operation.  I've had the same issue of figuring out if I want to drop $50 on Playstation Plus, and haven't done so yet, and wonder which if any I would spend the $50 on first.  But thinking about it, Playstation Plus hasn't been so impressive since they offered Wipeout HD and they haven't provided anything that would make me drop the money on that since the first month.  Which means that if I have an expendable $50 to throw around, it might go Whiskey's way.  
I'm leaning yes for two reasons:
1)  The Bombcast has been in my rotation at the top ever since it was called "Arrow Pointing Down".  It has never failed to produce the goods, and has been the most consistantly entertaining and humorous podcast since I started listening to it.  (And I listen to about 25-30hrs of podcasts a week while I'm at work, and the Bombcast provides two hours I absolutely look forward to.)
2)  If during the Persona 4 Endurance Run I had the ability to download those episodes in .mp4 H.264 format and drop it directly on my PSP, I would have jumped at that in a heartbeat.  No question, they'd have my money and would have had it instantly for the pure convienence of the whole thing.  Snide talked about how it was being converted retroactively and that means since  I still haven't watched the Deadly Premonition Endurance Runs, revisiting them might be in the future. 
Money's VERY tight, but I want to support hte people who have provided that kind of entertainment through good and bad times.  I'll still have to sleep on it, but I won't be surprised if eventually a little bomb logo shows up under my username shortly.