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Lots to sabut but stiil cant think of a tittle

With all this talk about Halo 3 ODST it has rekindled my interest in the green limited edition 360. I've seen one at a reasonable price and it has me quite tempted as today is payday. If I do decide to get one I hope that I will be able to get hold of the ODST limited edition which comes with a similar controller.

Speaking of controllers I finally got round to subscribing to the Official Xbox Magazine. What does that have to do with a controller I hear you say. Well that particular magazine is offering a Todd McFarlane designed control pad when you subscribe. I am also on the look out for X-Men Origins Wolverine the game for about £20 because based on the demo that game is bloody violent and bloody fun but I don't think its worth £40

I don't know if you have seen that there is a trailer up for the new season of Red vs Blue. If you have never seen any of these then stop reading now and head over to and check them out.

Before you think that I spend all my time in front of a monitor or TV. I don't, just most of it. I recently got back from San Francisco taking in some of the sights which was great. We did the usual tourist things like Alcatraz Island, Fisherman's Wharf, China town, i even hung on the side of a cable car as it went up and down the ridiculously steep streets. We all stayed at the Grand Hyatt hotel just off Union Square. The view from the bar 36 floors up was truly breath taking, I'll post a few pictures next time.

Now I must go as I need to get some sleep before work
Till next time
