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GE_Fight! Series One

Sup, fellas? 
I'm going to be bringing a video series of (as yet an undecided number of) episodes. The general idea is that I want to dramatically improve my game and each aspect therein, and since its the holiday period, I thought now was the time to get started. 
The basic conceit is this: I will have 3 player profiles (GE_Fight!_Ryu/Cody/Bison) and within each of those I'll have specific aims I want to achieve. The reason for 3 separate profiles is that, simply, at the end of the series I want to be able to see the statistics for each character.
With Ryu, I want to begin to implement OS, and gain a greater understanding of when and how to use them; With Cody, I want to learn more about frame-traps, and use them accordingly; and with Bison, I want to improve my pressure game, knowing when to hit, and when to run and pushing/keeping the opponent locked in the corner.
Throughout all this I have two over-arching goals: 
1. To refrain from jumping unless A. necessary or B. for mix-up purposes (on opponent's wake-up etc.) and 2. Generally improve my footsies. 
Don't expect high production values, but do expect some sort of critique with the fights: written or otherwise. That's it!
Peace. x