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Best of 2009

Murtaug: Best of 2009

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  • Without a doubt this is my number one game of the year. Great action, fantastic visuals, interesting and well paced story; this game has it all. Top it off with some wonderful voice acting and I do not think any more needs to be explained. Naughty Dog did an excellent job with the follow-up to the hit Uncharted.

  • Coming out of the shadows like the Dark Knight himself, Arkham Asylum gave the world the Batman game the character deserved. This game almost deserves the top spot, if not for Uncharted 2, this would definitely be number one.

  • The original game left a lot more questions than those it answered. While the sequel does not completely cure every issue its predecessor had, it definitely smooths over a lot of rough areas.

  • This game has not received nearly enough attention from me to comment on it without missing a lot of areas, but I have played enough to know that Bioware has exceeded their past titles in the Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale series'. The game has a lot of great writing and interesting characters with whom to interact. Definitely a good game to break out on those lazy Sundays.

  • As a huge Warhammer 40,000 fan, this game has to be on my list somewhere, and not just for that reason. Dawn of War II throws away most of what the original series put on the table, and for that strays a lot closer to the war game it is drawn from. With an emphasis on action rather than die rolls and rulers, Dawn of War II lets you really get a feel for the universe it is pulled from.

  • My most played multiplayer game of the year. Always a fan of the Battlefield titles, 1943 is a great remake of 1942 and test of the engine behind the upcoming Bad Company 2. At fifteen bucks, quite simply the best dollar to entertainment investment I made all year. Its only failing is that there seems to be no DLC support planned, and with only three maps (four with the Air Superiority map Coral Sea) it leaves you wanting more.

  • Hands down the best racing simulation on the market today. Forza has come a long way since its first outing on the original Xbox, and has even made huge leaps since its previous outing on the 360. The depth of customization is simply amazing. A game meant for car lovers of all skills, the ability to tune how the training wheels turn is a very welcome addition to the genre. The online integration is the best to date in racing, if not in a game period. Turn 10 has definitely shown their willingness to support a game long past its release in the past, and Forza 3 is already showing how DLC should be done with more cars. This is one piece of the collection that will last.

  • Co-op fun done mostly right. While Borderlands has a few rough edges and a couple missing features, it really does what a game should do right: fun. With an already released DLC expansion, with another around the corner and no apparent end in sight, Borderlands is the Friday night fragging loot fest to reach for.

  • The swan song of Pandemic. The Saboteur does a lot of things, none of them that could not be pointed at in another game done better. Even with its unfinished feeling, The Saboteur still manages to feel right. I will be the first person to point out the many flaws that could have been fixed with some extra time in the oven, but at twenty-five hours of game time and counting, The Saboteur has managed to find a balance, if rocky. I know this game is getting a little bit of a pass considering the conditions with which it was flung into the world, but it is also getting its fair share of flak. The Saboteur manages to have character in an over saturated genre.

  • If Borderlands does not manage to give you the loot fix you are looking for, Torchlight should at the very least take the edge off. A Diablo clone without shame, Torchlight packs a ton of bang for the buck. The second cheapest game on this list by, beaten by Battlefield: 1943, and only by five dollars at that. Torchlight is aimed at a specific demographic, if a large one. Simply put; if you do not like Diablo and its ilk, stay away. If you do, welcome home.