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What's up with Chopin?

I've been wondering lately why I feel like I hear more and more hints of Chopin's music in various things relating to video games.

Out the top of my head I can think of the Chopin game on iPad, starring the legendary composer resurrected by the muses to battle the corporate influences of today's music industry.

Before that, there was of course Eternal Sonata, where Chopin is the actual narrator.

Recently, I was surprised to hear the familiar melody of what was to become Chopin's own funeral music, his Prelude in e-minor, op.28 no.4, used in a tune on the Fez soundtrack.

And today I saw the trailer for Phantom Pain where, first at around the 33 second mark but most noticeably when the title card appears, a famous burst from one of Chopin's tunes is heard. I will add the title once I remember exactly which song it is.

As a little side-note: did you know that Chopin's character in Eternal Sonata actually has a special attack called Phantom Pain?

I wonder when we'll start to see more composers getting their time in the spotlight of games.