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My year in gaming 2k15 edition

As you maybe can tell by the date of my last post, real life has kept me busy in the last couple of months. It's not easy to find time to play games with two demanding kids, a new house (which needed some renovations), a full-time job and a thesis that needs to be written for my degree. To write content about games on the side was just not doable at that moment. But long story short some things have wound down and now I have some time on my hands to do this blog thing again.

So here is my year in gaming/GOTY thing

Games from 2015 I am pretty interested in that I sadly didn't play (or played to little of) that would otherwise probably make my Top 10 list in some sort.

Dying Light

Simply found no time for this one when it came out... (but I just bought it on Steam so will probably be my January 2016 game)

Life is Strange

I made the mistake to play each episode when it came out, that way I only managed to get to the end of the second one. I will definitely finish it in the near future but Life is Strange really showed me that I have to play those episodic games when they are all done or I won't finish them. By the way the parts i did play where great and I enjoyed them (love me my timetravel)

Grow Home

Only managed to get like 30 min into the game... it's a pity because this one deserves better.Funny enough I thought this would hold the attention of my kid a bit longer so I could use it as an excuse to play more of it but my boy didn't seem to care that much :(

Dragon Ball Z: Xenoverse

I really don't know what happened there... A good game in one of my absolute favorite universes and I did not even touch it. I am ashamed.

Ori and the Blind Forest

Probably one of the best looking games this year, it also plays well and all I was just a little late to the party and then other games grabbed my attention so this one got a bit brushed to the side

Cities: Skylines

This year I unfortunately did very little gaming with my wife but this would be the one game that we would spend the most time with(if we had more of it). It's what Sim City should have been a couple years back.

Axiom Verge

To be honest I forgot this came out this year (yeah i know fuck me right...). There is no real reason I didn't play Axiom Verge(except not having the time for every game that comes out), it has almost everything I like about "Metroidvenia" games and it has a nice style to it. Probably will get played in 2016

Kerbal Space Program

Similar problem to Cities: Skylines. Those sorts of games where you have to invest a lot of time to figure out their mechanics simply fall under the rug at the moment because of time investment reasons. If I get this on the cheap this year I will definitely try to get to the moon.

Projekt CARS

At some point I was so into racing games (I am still now but not to this degree of obsession) that If something like Projekt CARS came out I would probably make my rounds right this second instead of writing this here. It's a really well made racing game and has a lot of content. Despite still loving to do my virtual driving from time to time I don't play a lot of new racing games for some reason.


Being somewhat of an old school anime fan I really love what GALAK-Z does style wise (that pause screen might be the best pause screen ever) I simply never found time to play it myself.

Until Dawn

Hmm I have a bit of a problem with this one. I watched at least 3! full playthroughs of this and know almost everything there is to know about this game but can't really put it in my own list because i did not play it myself... maybe I will make an exception for Until Dawn because it is definitely one of the best games of the year.


When It comes to horror I am a big wuzz but there is something deep down that I find interesting in good horror. I find it incredible how well made horror manages to make me feel terrible :). Why I tell you all that is because SOMA is from the same developer as Amnesia The Dark Descent which made me quit out of pure terror. So I was pretty excited to see SOMA myself (which also has a great setting) but never had the nerve to take the time to dive into it. After what I have read about the story I almost have to play it right now (*insert fake stepping away sounds)

Human Resource Machine

I need to play this simply because it's from the same guys that made World of Goo(which is awesome)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Syndicate suffers from the fact that 2015 already saw a lot of open world games and I was somewhat exhausted at the point the new Assassin's Creed came out. In another year this would have made my list for sure.

Yakuza 5

I love the Yakuza series but I have to play the 4th one before I start the newest one.

Just Cause 3

Came out to late in the year for me to really dig into it but seems right up my alley.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

see above

DiRt Rally

Same problem I have with Project CARS. But if I will play one racing game in 2016 it will probably be this.

BONUS: You should probably buy an XBOX One already stupid... or games I would have loved but don't have an Xbox One to play them on

At one point when my wife gives up the protest I will go buy an Xbox and replay these exclusive games

Halo 5: Guardians

This one is a no brainer for a huge Halo fan like me. Probably the first thing I will get for the system.

Forza Motorsports 6

This looks gorgeous and I like me some nice cars!

Rise of the Tomb Raider

I liked the first one and this seems to improve the concept on almost every level. (exclusivity be damned!)

Games I did play that didn't really do anything for me

*not all of them from 2015

Mortal Kombat X

Somehow this managed to lose my interest faster than anything other this year and I haven't gone back to it since then. It had a lot going for it, I really enjoyed the last one especially it's story mode, it is a total looker, it is a fighting game (I love them a lot) and it has nice graphic violence but it just didn't klick with me. I don't know maybe if some of my (imaginary) friends ever comes over I will give this one a second chance.

Batman: Arkham Knight

The new Batman game has one huge problem that in some sort made it unplayable for me especially. It has too much stuff in it for it's own good. I like me some side quests (actually I like them so much that I almost every time I try to do them all) but Batman goes to far. So I simply gave up on this one. I know I could just play the main story (which seems totally OK) and don't care but I got hurt by those 624853 riddler trophies that it's hard to go back.

Fallout 4

I really tried to love this game but the combination of feeling kinda old and coming out during my heaviest exam time killed it for me. Astonishingly i managed to get 20 hours of gaming done in spite of having almost no time to spare for games at that point and in those 20 hours the game did very little for me. It just felt a bit too lifeless. Eventually I will get some Mods that make the game not such a hassle in some spots (encumbrance!) and breeze through it but man I wanted this game to be so much more...


This one is kind of strange it does nothing really aggressively wrong(I even finished it) but simply nothing really stuck with me it was an OK experience at most. Counterspy could have been more and that name is great.

Never alone

I really liked the setup and the videos about the eskimo guys but the game itself was clunky and a bit boring to play sadly. But this game showed me just what was possible to develop if you invest enough time and love in. (thank you Unity!)

Ducktales HD

The original was one of the first games I ever really owned and played a lot of. It has one of the best soundtracks ever and the game itself was absolutely solid(Capcom games used to be something great...). Funny enough I only started this one because my son wanted to see it, I was pretty cool with that because I loved the original.The tragic thing was that I began to hate it because they changed the music horribly and the game simply had no charm or heart, but I had to play through it because my son was loving the"duck people" as he called them. I hate what they did with this....

Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4 was A OK, just to big and a bit boring at the time I played it. I can't say much more really because this one just lost my interest, it felt samey and didn't pull me in.

Games I enjoyed playing this year that just barely missed the top spots because of ... reasons

*not all of them from 2015


All of the games I will list here are good games and you should play them, they simply got cut because 2015 was a very good year for games and some ones have to get cut if you want to make a Top 10 list.

Hotline Miami 2

If I would have to sum this game up in one sentence it would be. The game structure is not as tight and is unnecessary more complicated than in the first one but the soundtrack is even better (I don't know how they did it but it is totally true just go listen to it I'll wait...). So If the game would not be so damn long and had to much big and gun focused levels it would have been higher up on my list.


Undertale has a lot of charm and I love a lot of this game. It even was on my Top 10 list till the last second. I can't really say anything negative to be honest. It has great characters, is really funny at times, has a great soundtrack, the fighting system is unique and it tells a deep story with multiple outcomes. I love that we live in a time where a couple of people with a vision can really develop something so good as Undertale. It's not the "holy grail" as the internet made it out to be but it is still one of the nicest things I played this year. If you would like to have a bit cheesy but pleasant experience this one is good.

The Fall

The story in this one was the main pull. I wanted to see the outcome so bad I played through it in 2 sittings. The gameplay itself was not that super great but If you are into creepy scy-fi stories this one is soooo for you. Absolutly looking forward what the developer will do next. Everyone that remotely likes scy-fi should give this one a try.

Fract OSC

I am a sucker for music/rhythm games and Fract OSC has a nice twist on that theme. This game is not for everyone but if you are a musician or remotely interested in how music is build up and don't mind some puzzle gameplay this may be for you. The "Tronlike" look also helps to sell this game. I liked it for what it was.

Tokio Jungle

Ohhh Japan how I love you for your weirdness. A couple of years ago Japan made a lot more of those really strange games and it was a great time for everyone. Now we only get 3-4 strange games a year at tops and Tokio Jungle is one of them. You play as a dog in the post apocalypse in Neo Tokio and have to eat and produce offspring for gods sake!

This one was simply fun to play not only because of the strangeness. By the way you really feel great if you kill a dinosaur as a damn chihuahua.

Wolfenstein The New Order

You can read all about my feelings about this one in my review. Let's just say I really liked what they did to this old franchise.

Valiant Hearts

There are a lot of games about World War 2 but oddly WW 1 almost gets no attention in gaming form(or any form actually). Valiant Hearts is a charming and intimate look into a really cruel war. The gameplay is simple yes but the charming presentation and the interesting facts you learn about one of the darkest chapters of humanity are absolutely worth it. Everyone should give this game a chance

Infamous First Light

This was part of that PS Plus free games thing and I gave it a shot at one point. It's just more Infamous and thats no bad thing. I had good short fun with it.

Trials Fusion

I have a soft spot for hard masochist games. It always feels so great and fulfilling if you beat them after trying a million times. So naturally I love the Trials franchise. Fusion has a structure that I didn't like that much but the gameplay and everything else is the same old good stuff so I it wasn't hard to look past the shortcomings. If you like Trials this is A OK.

The Talos Principle

What a nice and refreshing First Person puzzle game. Probably the best game in that vain since Portal 2. This almost made my Top 10 but I haven't finished it and I didn't want to put it up there without seeing it through the end. If I had an eleventh place this and Undertale would have fought about it.

My Top 10 games I played this year

*not all of them from 2015

10. Super Mario Maker

Oh Nintendo you did it again in a way only you can do it. If they do one thing really good than it's design. The polish and intuition in their games is unparalleled in the business. They are pretty much the apple guys of the gaming world. Their products aren't always the best but they look slick and have unmatched design. All of this is true for Super Mario Maker. At the core it is "only" a simple level editor for 2D Mario games. But the way Nintendo build this thing is great. After 5 minutes with SMM you know how the toolset works and feel ready to start building working levels. There is no real need for lengthy tutorials, that right there is the testimony of good game design. Where others hit you over the head with hours of explanations and complicated mechanics Nintendo just went the other way. They tell you to feed mushrooms to (almost) everything you want to make it big plain and simple, thats game design even my 3-year old gets. Sure there are some small downsides to this being from Nintendo, like not so great online components (you still can't really search for specific levels in game) but those things are only small stains on one absolutely fantastic game that will be relevant and played for a long time into the future. You may ask why SMM is so low on my list despite all the praise it got from me but that is answered easily. I haven't really invested enough time building levels or playing the game to rank it higher.It will probably come up again on next years list in some form if I get the time to really dig into the building aspect of it.

9. Her Story

For everyone that doesn't know it this game it is a FMV-investigation game. You uncover a good self-contained story by typing in search words into a simple police database and watching clips of a past interrogation. I can't tell you much about the ongoings in the game without giving away to much of the plot (which is obviously the main pull for this game), but I can tell you that the way Her Story is build is absolutely unique and fascinating. I felt like a real investigator at times, writing down phrases, names and basically everything remotely interesting that was said to search for it afterwards. It almost got into weird "running a red thread all over my notes" kinda situation. The performance of the only actress () in the game really sells the whole thing. It is very nuanced and well acted, absolutely perfect for this. Also respect to the developer for the fine tuned ways to always give you one small hint in the videos for what you want to search next, that must have been a very difficult task from the writing side of things. If I had to rank this list by the one single great evening I spend with a game this would probably be my number one. Please go out, invest those 4 bucks and experience this for yourself it is absolutely worth it.

8. Shovel Knight

In my short review I pretty much summarized why I liked this game. To quote myself: "At first you might come to Shovel Knight because of the nostalgia tingle you get when you see how it looks and sounds, but you stick to it and play it to completion because it is a really good playing game” period

7. Tales From The Borderlands

The best TellTale game I have played to date. Somehow they managed to create a nice story and lovable characters in a universe that I personally didn't care that much for. The cast of TFTB simply works. They all have a own unique personality, the voicework is great and they act in believable ways. The gameplay itself isn't much more than simple quicktime event kinda stuff, but if you don't mind that "not very gamey" game-type you get rewarded with a well written story with great characters. One thing that I also loved about this one was the cinematography. The way some scenes where shot was just exciting. Especially the late title cards are some of the best things I have seen in that department. I bet this could have been on the top of many lists this year if the gameplay wouldn't have been so TellTaley (but I guess this type of "laid back" gameplay is a lot more popular with the casual crowd those games attract)

6. Super Mario Bros. 3D World

Mario I am sorry I really am. I don't know why I haven't played one of your best 3D-platformers ever up until now. Maybe the whole Cat-Mario thing seemed to dumb at first glance but that shouldn't have kept me away for so long. I 'm even more ashamed that I only gave you a real chance because my son insisted on playing "that Mario game up on my shelf". But the table turned quickly from not wanting to touch this game to asking my son constantly if he wanted to "watch me play" to get even more game time in. Nintendo managed to make a 3D-platformer feel fresh and new again. SMB3DW is great in so many ways. From the new PowerUps (I really like the cherry in particular), the fantastic and varied level design to the Nintendo-typical level of polish, this game is absolutely great. If you even distantly like 3D-platformers you have to give this one a go it is so good it even warrants a purchase of a WiiU just for this one game (surely there are other good games on the system but that was not my point:))

5. Counter Strike GO

Some years ago when life was easier and there were no "responsibilities" a real adult has I was pretty into Counter Strike 1.6 and CS Source. At some point I even became really good in it to so good in fact that I played in the ESL and almost went semi-pro. Fast-forward to 2015 my CS time long behind me I "grew" up and I mostly play "normal" games. Games that don't need daily training like a sport. So why is CS:GO on my list than? One day a friend of mine held a LAN-party at his place and we played some CS Source there. I pretty much wrecked everyone and proving I still can hold my own in those games. The "good" CS:GO player amongst my friends started to taunt me that I only could play the old games so well because in the new one I wouldn't had a chance against him. So basically to prove him wrong I started playing GO and It totally took a hold of me like the old game have. Counter Strike is still a one of kind experience for me where if you get good enough at the game it becomes so much more than shooting guys. At some point you, your team and the enemy players are all so good that "clicking dudes real fast in the head" is absolutely normal or even expected. Than the real thing that separates good players from superb ones are things like flawless execution of team tactics, predicting enemy actions and general situational awareness. CS can be one of the tensest you can have in gaming and it is immensely satisfying if all shakes out your way at the end of a match. Those are the things that kept me playing all those years back and apparenty still can pull me in real hard. To end this horribly long point lets just say Counter Strike is still good and I like it a bunch, that's why it's on here.

4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

About 2 weeks after release of The Witcher 3 i was pretty sure this may be one of the best games ever made and damn sure it will be my number one of this year. Than something happened. As said before I have a thing for side quests and I want to complete them all before moving forward in the main story. That often leads to some kind of exhaustion if a game has just to many of them. Than I have to step away from it and come back after a few days. Normally that works like a charm, but for some reason I didn't get back into the Witcher as I usually would. Maybe it was the fact that I already invested over 100 hours in just 2 weeks and i was generally a bit exhausted or the fact that some other, faster to pick up, games caught my attention (looking at you Rocket League). But In some way that dilemma stained my personal Witcher experience. Yes I did go back and played it in chunks but at that point I almost exclusively mainlined the story. That all may sound to you as if the Witcher 3 is a bad game but that is far from the truth. Witcher 3 does so many things sooo much better than any other game has ever done (especially as an open world game). It is the first open world game that feels lived in, that feels real. The side content is better than a lot of main stories in other games. The writing is top notch and don't let me start on the cinematography. Alone the way simple dialog is framed is expertly done. In the Witcher you can see that if you frame something just right the smallest things can become so much more. In another world Witcher 3 would have been on my top spot but some unfortunate circumstances led to it being here instead. I can absolutely recommend this game to every one that remotely likes open world RPGs and wants to experience a beautiful lived in world. (Oh yea I didn't even mention that this game looks absolutely gorgeous)

Special exception 4-ish place Until Dawn

Sadly I haven't played this one myself (only watched like 3 separate playthroughs from other people) so thats why it gets this special treatment, but I simply had to include this in some form because of the enjoyment I got out of it. This game is basically a very cliche teenage horror movie made into a game. The gameplay is pretty simple and great for playing it casually with others. It looks great, the face tech they use is amazing. Peter Stormare is oh so great and should be in a lot more games. One of the best things for me about Until Dawn is that it finally manages what Quantic Dream - games always failed to do. Your actions really do effect the outcome of the story and are not fake in that way a lot of "choices" are in other games. In this game it is possible to save all of the teenagers but it is also possible that everyone is dead by the end and that the developers managed to pull this one of, without the game feeling weird at the end, is a great feat. Everyone with a PS4 should at least rent this one out and play it with some friends cause it is entertaining as hell and one of the best exclusives the system has.

3. Bloodborne

The Soul series has become one of my favorite things ever. I am always so excited for a new one and I like to complete them to 100% and then some (with the exception of Dark Souls 2). Bloodborne got me to buy a PS4 just so I could play the new thing From Software was bringing out. And boy did it deliver. I loved the setting from the start and where it goes from the "spooky old London"-look was even better. Mild spoiler ahead. I love the whole cosmic horror / Lovecraft mythos a lot and to see a game about werwolfs and similar stuff take a left turn out of nowhere into that direction totally did it for me. Needless to say that I also loved what the developers did to the fighting system. I have nothing against my sword and shield combat from the earlier games but it was a nice breath of fresh air to be forced to play more pro active in a "Souls" game. It is true that they took some variety out of the game by making it almost impossible to make magic builds or ranged ones but at the end this only made the game not so replayable for the enthusiasts. Yea I know it is fun to test out some crazy character builds on your 5th play through in Souls games but this game was not build with that in mind and we have to accept this. If you like hard games, love to overcome almost impossible seeming obstacles, great gameplay and a nice thick atmosphere than Bloodborne is for you. Everyone else stay away from it because it will pretty much make you hate games and yourself :)

2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid is my favorite video game series of all time. I am a total sucker when it comes to self serious over the top Kojima anime business. I may be one of those people that can tell you when Ocelot was working for whom and why... I know that this is a bit much knowledge about a fake anime spy game series but what should I say life is strange sometimes. Naturally I was very excited about the new main entry in my favorite series. I deliberately haven't watched trailers or read anything about the game before hand, I wanted the full story without any before seen trailer nonsense. The only thing I did know was how it was going to be gameplay wise because I played MGS5: Ground Zeros and I liked those changes a lot. So I went in almost blind plot wise and expected Kojima to rock the house with his insanity for his last game in the series. After the very well done Intro I was even more hyped what was going to happen. But than after around 15 hours later I realized something. There haven't been any real super flashy cutscenes or anything of that sort and I was still playing the game and absolutely enjoying it. Kojima Production totally managed to build a game where the actual gameplay was the main pull and not the batshit craziness and I have to admit I was totally flabbergasted because of that. This game is probably one of the best PLAYING open world action games ever made(and that they managed to pull this whole thing of on their first try is insane) . The act of playing it was immensely satisfying I almost forgot about the lack of story. I have to admit I was a bit sad about the lacking story but the game itself is still one of best thing I played in years.

1. Rocket League

Rocket League is a perfect game.

I could try and explain why and how but at the end the above statement stays true. On the outside this is only a game about funny little cars playing soccer. YEY! Nothing more nothing less. But as soon as you pick up the controller and play your first few rounds yourself you begin to realize that RL is fantastic. "easy to learn, hard to master" might sound a bit cliche but it is the absolute best description for this game. It manages to entertain complete newbies with it's easy to grasp concept and also let's the experts fly around and do their amazing arial trick goals. This is only possible because the folks at Psyonix managed to finely tune every aspect of the game to perfection. For example the handling of the cars hits the absolute sweet spot of being very fun to actually do, with all the boosting and power sliding, but at same time in the hands of a pro it becomes this deadly precise goal scoring machine. The amount of enjoyment I got out of Rocket League is almost unparalleled in any game in recent years. It is pure fun to play and every aspect of it is well balanced and designed. I began writing this with RL being on my #3 spot on the list but after letting it sink in a bit I had to put in on the top simply because of it being the most fun I had this year and that is what games are about in the end.

So that's it that was my year in games and boy was it a good one. I am sorry for the long read but I had to write this thing of my chest (If you read it all you are insane and I like you a lot your a great guy/girl ;))

lets all hope 2016 will be even better.

So long

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