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Gaming Heaven - Week 1

A few years ago I had my own xbox gaming blog in which each week I would post a 'Gaming Heaven' Post.  This would basically include the games I had played that week plus a quick 2 seconds review on them.  So let's get started.
The first game this week is Sonic The Hedgehog 4, Episode 1.  I not fond of this new jump Sonic has but overall a brilliant game (I could be wrong but isnt it £10 cheaper on PSN)  It  brings back so many memories and kept me entertained for hours.  I like the way with the special zone they altered it so you move the screen.  So far I have 3 chaos emeralds.  Hopefully this will be the the first sonic game (XBL & PSN) that I complete all achievements/trophies on haha.
The next game I played was Motorstorm: Pacific Rift.  It's poo and that's all I got to say about that!
And finally how could the week be complete without a little bit of Little Big Planet?  I lent this game from my girlfriends son and I am impressed.  A few of the levels pissed me off, especially the 2nd to last one where you have to go through big wheel surround by electricity (the amount of times, the controller nearly went through the TV haha).  I'm not fussy on the movement forwards and backwards on the screen, but overall it's a good game that kept me entertainment. This game is more suited for online play, don't get me wrong offline is good, but online play really brings the game alive.
Thats it for this week!