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My insight on the subscription issue

I have to say i saw this one coming. Being independent is hard, and trying to keep something fresh and "clean" is even harder.   
I'm ok with paying 5 bucks a month (i won't go for the's a lot of money in one shot). I'm lucky to have a job (several, actually), and these guys have been making those easier by offering quality entertainment for free. I think it's time to give something back.  
I really don't care for the features, really. I mean, i don't have a smartphone (or even a dumb one), so the mobile site makes no difference. I won't be downloading any of the HD videos, because i'm not used to download anything really, that's what streaming is for. I could live with a splitted podcast, and i really don't know if the time zone will let me even watch the live show. I'm not sure i agree with ads for the monthly subscribers and not the yearly, but AdBlock has been disabled on the site from the beginning... bring the ads.  
The way i see it, it's a job they are doing, and some may say "well, they play videogames", but it's never that easy (i work in a place where i'm around videogames all the time and it's no walk in the park), so if they provide a service, they should be paid. And if the service is THIS GOOD... well, you get the point. 
And to think that it doesn't apply to GB alone, but to the other sites (specially Tested, which i got used to visit everyday now... those guys are a real dynamic duo), makes it even better. I'm not familiar with CV, SC or AV, but from what i saw yesterday, they are all really cool guys... (and Babs... love!). 
So (even though GB still won't accept my money) i'm gonna support the site, and will be happy to. 
They've been there for me in those long bus rides, i'm here for them. 



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Edited By Digi7alS3lf

I have to say i saw this one coming. Being independent is hard, and trying to keep something fresh and "clean" is even harder.   
I'm ok with paying 5 bucks a month (i won't go for the's a lot of money in one shot). I'm lucky to have a job (several, actually), and these guys have been making those easier by offering quality entertainment for free. I think it's time to give something back.  
I really don't care for the features, really. I mean, i don't have a smartphone (or even a dumb one), so the mobile site makes no difference. I won't be downloading any of the HD videos, because i'm not used to download anything really, that's what streaming is for. I could live with a splitted podcast, and i really don't know if the time zone will let me even watch the live show. I'm not sure i agree with ads for the monthly subscribers and not the yearly, but AdBlock has been disabled on the site from the beginning... bring the ads.  
The way i see it, it's a job they are doing, and some may say "well, they play videogames", but it's never that easy (i work in a place where i'm around videogames all the time and it's no walk in the park), so if they provide a service, they should be paid. And if the service is THIS GOOD... well, you get the point. 
And to think that it doesn't apply to GB alone, but to the other sites (specially Tested, which i got used to visit everyday now... those guys are a real dynamic duo), makes it even better. I'm not familiar with CV, SC or AV, but from what i saw yesterday, they are all really cool guys... (and Babs... love!). 
So (even though GB still won't accept my money) i'm gonna support the site, and will be happy to. 
They've been there for me in those long bus rides, i'm here for them. 

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Edited By Grissefar

I can spend five buck on my favorite site even if I would rather see an increase in advertising. As it is now I can't know if my buck is going to Comic Vine (ugh). If there was advertising, I would be sure that the money would go to Vinny Caravella. I've already watched a million hours of video on this site. They could have made a fortune.

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Edited By Digi7alS3lf

Amen to that.

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Edited By MoistJohn
I'm kinda in the same boat. Though the bombcast is one of my wednsday morning routine of downloading and listening on my way to the university. 
I do feel like they went a little in the direction they always talked about not doing, that being paid-subs don't lose instead of gain. It kinda feels like i paid to keep the site as it is... 
But, like you said, I do trust Whiskey Media in putting cool, quality stuff on the sites, and if my money means more GB shannanigens, it does feel like my money is going to a good place. 
just..... more focus on the sites and less on mobile stuff. smartphones might be all the rage, but they are also not cheap and i don't really know what subset of Whiskey visitors want to see the endurance run, or do quests on their mobile.
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Edited By doublezeroduck

Once the fucking bank releases my funds, I'll be right there with you.  

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Edited By Digi7alS3lf
@Marshmellow_Peep said:
"  just..... more focus on the sites and less on mobile stuff. smartphones might be all the rage, but they are also not cheap and i don't really know what subset of Whiskey visitors want to see the endurance run, or do quests on their mobile. "
I'm really not into that "stay connected ALL the time stuff, but people are, and, let's face it, it's where things are heading. I think there should be a balance between mobile and desktop(?) stuff. But the HTML5 is a nice feature. All those iPads cannot be wrong, right?
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Edited By MoistJohn
@Digi7alS3lf: NO ! all IPads are WRONG ! (and i'm known to saving Italic to when it matters)
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Edited By Digi7alS3lf
@Marshmellow_Peep said:
" @Digi7alS3lf: NO ! all IPads are WRONG ! (and i'm known to saving Italic to when it matters) "
Personally, i'm waiting for the EeePad, but let's be honest... Flash is in a coma... and won't be around for long.