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Dark Night? Not Tonight...

Apparently The Dark Night is extra popular in Ohio because I still couldn't get a ticket today. All was not lost though because I saw Hellboy 2 instead and I can say that it was really good. It was quite long too. I got into the theater around 9:45 and left at midnight. The humor was just as good as in the first one if not better and Hellboy is still Hellboy; he's still badass as hell. The story was really good and  we get to see a little bit more of the fantastic magical world that the first movie simply alluded to. So, Hellboy 2? Great movie, but not the Dark Night. Maybe tomorrow....



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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38

Apparently The Dark Night is extra popular in Ohio because I still couldn't get a ticket today. All was not lost though because I saw Hellboy 2 instead and I can say that it was really good. It was quite long too. I got into the theater around 9:45 and left at midnight. The humor was just as good as in the first one if not better and Hellboy is still Hellboy; he's still badass as hell. The story was really good and  we get to see a little bit more of the fantastic magical world that the first movie simply alluded to. So, Hellboy 2? Great movie, but not the Dark Night. Maybe tomorrow....

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Edited By kornholio360

I've still got to see Dark Knight as well.