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I really wanna see Gain Ground for the Genesis from them now, it's another one hit dead arcade style game.

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@rethla said:
@dragonhoodgaming said:
@misterwaingro said:

They are so bad at this game, I can't watch this series anymore.

It really makes me think though: these people play video games professionally, and they are so bad at it. It makes me shudder to think how bad they must be at driving. And if they are bad at driving, imagine how bad the rest of the world is. And they're all around us on the roads.


When you play upwards to 15 games a week sometimes, playing an old game with a crappy camera once a week for two hours, while swapping controllers so only about 30 minutes a week while also trying to provide commentary to thousands of people and looking at an online live audience, tell me how well you adjust to that control scheme.

The controls are a bit odd but not that odd, its mostly an inverted camera stick they are fighting and they are fighting it by not using at all and then blaming the game for some odd camera angles.

It will be interesting to see when they get to the actually hard levels. If they dont learn the controls this will be an 1000hour series.

Anyways Jak and daxter is a platformer from 2001 with perfect camera so stop saying "This is from 2002 all 3D games was like this".

I never said all old 3D games had bad camera's, just this one does

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Edited By Dragonhoodgaming

They are so bad at this game, I can't watch this series anymore.

It really makes me think though: these people play video games professionally, and they are so bad at it. It makes me shudder to think how bad they must be at driving. And if they are bad at driving, imagine how bad the rest of the world is. And they're all around us on the roads.


When you play upwards to 15 games a week sometimes, playing an old game with a crappy camera once a week for two hours, while swapping controllers so only about 30 minutes a week while also trying to provide commentary to thousands of people and looking at an online live audience, tell me how well you adjust to that control scheme.