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I made a silly Nintendo Labo x Evangelion Mashup:

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Currently Playing and I've Been a Bad Boy

First off, in my last post I forgot to include some games I've finished, including Infamous Second Son as a very significant one.

Anyway, I started both Child of Light and Far Cry 4 yesterday. Far Cry 4 is great! I'm not often into first person shooters, as I've said in the past, but this one hits the spot.

The other thing I wanted to mention was that I bought a few games while in Japan. While this (of course) goes against my rules in general, I made an exception because these are unavailable in the United States and I was able to buy them used for a good price. Specifically, I bought Puyopuyo Tetris, Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin! (Yakuza Ishin!), and God Eater 2 Rage Burst. I started Puyopuyo Tetris and God Eater 2. Both are great. However, I want to dedicate some time to them and I have been craving the other two games I'm playing right now anyway.

So there we are. I'm not kicking myself over this. And I've avoided buying games recently that I really wanted to (Titans Souls, for example). So far I'm doing... I'd say, I'm doing okay at my plan. I've certainly bought fewer games than I would have otherwise. That said, my backlog is still substantial!

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