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@punkxblaze: Spiral fracture high five !

@big_jon@chavtheworld: I've got the post surgery pic laying around somewhere, with all the hardware inside, pretty gnarly. I'll have to dig it up!

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Been lurking for a while duders, thought I'd share. That pic is hubris defined, imo. Been a jock-nerd my whole life, and this one break (of many) was from a no-gi grappling tournament a few years ago. Got caught in a kimura (shoulder-lock submission, for those that aren't familiar, I'm now intimately familiar haha.) The hold puts pressure on the shoulder and can dislocate it if enough pressure is applied. In trying to counter it and fight out, there was a great deal of torque on my left arm. Though there was pain, I thought I could get out of the hold. Long story short, the other guy cranked it, and I WAS WRONG.

I remember the crack, and then he let go, and I just fell back on the mat in a little bit of shock. There wasn't pain, at first... If I had known it would be over 30 minutes before they got me on to a stretcher and on the way to the hospital, I would have passed out. They couldn't give me anything for the pain while I lay there, but luckily one of the EMTs thought to give me some laughing gas. I distinctly remember laughing my ass off as I got wheeled off the mats. Spiral fracture of my left humerus (nothing funny about it, hyuk hyuk, I'll see myself out...) My doctor said I was fortunate a major nerve wasn't nicked because I could have had "drop-wrist" for up to a year. Meaning I wouldn't have use of that joint, leaving my hand dangling limply at the end of my arm. Luckily I'm right-handed, or it would've killed my love life... Anywho, I rehabbed like a machine after the surgery, and I was back to training full contact within 4 months. Had an amateur Muay Thai fight at 7 months post-op.

So yeah, there are less painful (and less expensive) ways to learn when you've had enough. The funny thing was I had won the two previous tournaments I had entered before that one. Heck of a way for an undefeated streak to end.. Thanks for reading if you got this far, I'm really digging the Bomb community the more I frequent the site! Cheers!