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Crysis 2, finally another SP shooter I care about

Its been awhile since I played any sort of shooter that I've cared about, last time I tried was probably black ops and I stopped playing after the first mission. Usually they're too long and drawn out and repetitive so I just lose steam and can um.  Crysis 2 is none of those things (well it actually is long but it never seems to wear on me). The games gorgeous the vistas are beautiful and the world still feels large enough to tackle a situation in any way you want without feeling too large like the first crysis did. The best part about it for me is the option to stealth through or tackle enemies straight on, you could probably just choose to avoid 90% of the firefights in the game if you wanted and I think thats the beauty of the game for me im not tunneled or forced in to straight run and gunning, I have choices and choices are always good.



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Edited By DwayneDays

Its been awhile since I played any sort of shooter that I've cared about, last time I tried was probably black ops and I stopped playing after the first mission. Usually they're too long and drawn out and repetitive so I just lose steam and can um.  Crysis 2 is none of those things (well it actually is long but it never seems to wear on me). The games gorgeous the vistas are beautiful and the world still feels large enough to tackle a situation in any way you want without feeling too large like the first crysis did. The best part about it for me is the option to stealth through or tackle enemies straight on, you could probably just choose to avoid 90% of the firefights in the game if you wanted and I think thats the beauty of the game for me im not tunneled or forced in to straight run and gunning, I have choices and choices are always good.

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Edited By Jackel2072

Yes in this day and age the Crysis 2 single player is a god damn  miracle (on 34th)...(see what i did there?)

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Edited By luce

How long is the single player? More importantly, how replayable is it? 

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Edited By bacongames

This is funny to me because I literally have the opposite feeling.  Because Crysis 2 moved away from the original's unique but flawed open design to a more traditional campaign structure, I can't find myself caring about it.  At least in my experience now Crysis 2 has become every other shooter but with a little something different which isn't the same "different" as the first game.  
What I'm saying is that Crysis 2 is a master of none trying to have half-open half-not single-player with half-Call of Duty half-not multiplayer.  That lack of specialization makes that game extremely uninteresting in the sense that if I want all the Call of Duty parts, I'll play Call of Duty.  If I want all the open world stuff, I'll play a properly structured open world game.  If I want a dedicated multiplayer, I can find that.   It's probably not going to be very common a viewpoint but I feel a shooter trying to go for everything but just being okay at everything (in my experience, again) then why should I care?  
A lot of for me was also expectation.  I wanted Crysis 2 to elaborate on the super-open nature of the first one and add structure to that, not take a chunk of it away and replace it with campaign design that's almost everywhere else.

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Edited By PhatSeeJay
@samusaran253 said:
" @DwayneDays: How do you have 0 posts? "
blog posts don't count as forum posts.
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Edited By DystopiaX

Crysis 2 is the first shooter in awhile I've considered buying solely for the SP, I played the MP demo and it doesn't impress me. 

" This is funny to me because I literally have the opposite feeling.  Because Crysis 2 moved away from the original's unique but flawed open design to a more traditional campaign structure, I can't find myself caring about it.  At least in my experience now Crysis 2 has become every other shooter but with a little something different which isn't the same "different" as the first game.  
What I'm saying is that Crysis 2 is a master of none trying to have half-open half-not single-player with half-Call of Duty half-not multiplayer.  That lack of specialization makes that game extremely uninteresting in the sense that if I want all the Call of Duty parts, I'll play Call of Duty.  If I want all the open world stuff, I'll play a properly structured open world game.  If I want a dedicated multiplayer, I can find that.   It's probably not going to be very common a viewpoint but I feel a shooter trying to go for everything but just being okay at everything (in my experience, again) then why should I care?    A lot of for me was also expectation.  I wanted Crysis 2 to elaborate on the super-open nature of the first one and add structure to that, not take a chunk of it away and replace it with campaign design that's almost everywhere else. "
I played Far cry and Crysis, and IMO I'd prefer the semi-open semi-closed Crysis 2 style. I'd like it to be a little more open (more of the wider open sandboxy spaces) but nothing as huge as the original Crysis or anything. Crysis 2 could be better but I think that playing around with the nanosuit is sandboxy enough, I didn't really care for or utilize the large spaces in former Crytek games, really.
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Edited By bacongames
@DystopiaX:  That's perfectly acceptable and I'm not refuting people's genuine appreciation of Crysis 2.  What I felt Crysis needed was more game structure around the already present super-open-ness.  The other solution that Crysis 2 went with was dialing the open-ness back instead of building something in and around it.   I probably liked the open-nature of those games more, but I'm not the biggest fan of them either.  
If the question isn't quality (which it isn't) but of unique-ness then I would say Crysis 2 failed in that respect because it dialed back what set it apart from other shooters, which is okay.  I just don't have any interest as a result when it comes to the Crysis franchise anyway.
(Note: I would say Call of Duty is unique in the sense of how refined the action is and the feel being very specific and high-quality for that purpose.  Can't say CoD is a copy-cat of anything these days really, except itself you could argue.)
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Edited By spazmaster666
@luce said:

" How long is the single player? More importantly, how replayable is it?  "

It's listed at 10-12 hours. I finished it in about 9 hours, though I mostly opted to fight it out most of the time instead of use stealth/tactics. This is on normal difficulty of course. It'll probably take longer on the harder difficulties (in which case using stealth would probably be a smarter way to play the game)
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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@Tuffgong said:
" This is funny to me because I literally have the opposite feeling.  Because Crysis 2 moved away from the original's unique but flawed open design to a more traditional campaign structure, I can't find myself caring about it.  At least in my experience now Crysis 2 has become every other shooter but with a little something different which isn't the same "different" as the first game. "
words of gods
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Edited By Nasos100

Suit of Duty : Cloacked Operations

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Edited By DystopiaX
@Tuffgong said:
" @DystopiaX:  That's perfectly acceptable and I'm not refuting people's genuine appreciation of Crysis 2.  What I felt Crysis needed was more game structure around the already present super-open-ness.  The other solution that Crysis 2 went with was dialing the open-ness back instead of building something in and around it.   I probably liked the open-nature of those games more, but I'm not the biggest fan of them either.    If the question isn't quality (which it isn't) but of unique-ness then I would say Crysis 2 failed in that respect because it dialed back what set it apart from other shooters, which is okay.  I just don't have any interest as a result when it comes to the Crysis franchise anyway. (Note: I would say Call of Duty is unique in the sense of how refined the action is and the feel being very specific and high-quality for that purpose.  Can't say CoD is a copy-cat of anything these days really, except itself you could argue.) "
I think that the best solution would be somewhere in the middle- have it semi-closed off, like the city, instead of the endless jungle, so that while it's open you're still basically confined by buildings and such, but then don't confine the actions and objectives to specific streets or crosssections or whatever. I think it would work because then you have a clear goal, while having enough space to fuck around with the nanosuit.
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Edited By Bloodgraiv3
@luce said:
"How long is the single player? More importantly, how replayable is it?  "

Took me almost 11 hours, and im on my 4th run. 
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Edited By Dingofighter
@luce said:
" How long is the single player? More importantly, how replayable is it?  "
My final playtime was about 6 hours I think, so it isn't the longest game ever, but I'm now playing through it again on the easiest difficulty just toying with the AI. 
The fact that it gives you more freedom in how you engage your enemies makes the replay value pretty high, and that is what I think makes the Crysis games stand out from other FPS's.
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Edited By PhatSeeJay
@samusaran253 said:

" @PhatSeeJay: Why not? That's stupid as fuck, since blog posts go on the forums too. "

If you find that stupid as fuck then I don't even want to know what you think of things that are actually stupid.
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Edited By ExZisTanCe

i had trouble   adapting to the nano suit skillz but onces i got going i couldnt stop

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Edited By MeierTheRed

Crysis 2 is as mediocre a shooter as Crysis 1 and Warhead was.

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Edited By Sackmanjones
@luce:  Im close to the end I believe and Im just about to break nine hours. However, there could easily be maybe an hour more because the missions are quite long.
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Edited By bravetoaster

The singleplayer was average. I rushed through it so I could spend more time with the multiplayer,

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Edited By luce
@Sackmanjones said:
" @luce:  Im close to the end I believe and Im just about to break "