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Achievements, quests, etc.

ok, to start off, one of the reasons i'm bothering to write this is because of the new quest thing for Giantbomb. the second is because i've wanted to talk about achievements in general for awhile and this has provided good enough incentive for me to do 
To start off, I'm not against achievements. I like them, but not to the point where I'll play a game I no longer want to just to get achievements. Games have always been primarily about fun for me, and achievements aren't going to change that. That's why I hate ridiculous achievements like "beat the game on Super hard impossible mode without dying/using a health pack/gun/etc.", because those are a blatant attempt at trying to make you play a game for a long-ass time, perhaps enough to convince yourself you like it or are willing to buy the sequel/expansion/DLC/etc. What I do appreciate, though, are the achievements that give you incentive to try out things you wouldn't have before, like a certain quest in an RPG or a fun way of killing someone in a game, like the Borderlands achievement where you jump on an enemies' head. 
When evaluating the new Giantbomb quest system through this criteria, I think that they've met mixed success. Giving me incentive to create a background, blog post, link to twitter, etc. is nice because some of this stuff I never bothered to look at before, but I dislike some of the "go to this page" quests. I understand the trivia aspect, but I don't see what the point of those are. May be just me, though. 
Level 4 here I come...