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Breaking a habit.

  I have returned! A lot of the people I have on my contact list probably won't remember me but I spent a ton of time in the Giantbomb IRC channel when the site first launched and made a ton of edits over a span of three weeks and then magically dissapeared. The reason for that dissapearance is: WoW. But as of Thursday, I ended a very long, very time consuming part of my life and cancelled my World of Warcraft account in order to persue different kinds of gaming as well as different things in life that I've been missing out on in the six years that I have been playing MMORPGs (starting with Star Wars Galaxies). After writing up my goodbye post on my guild's forum, I shifted my efforts to console gaming, something I will be doing a lot more of.

  The weird thing is that I don't miss WoW very much. I've been debating the decision for the past two months, shortly after Patch 3.1 hit servers and Ulduar, the new raid dungeon was released. For some strange reason, it just didn't appeal to me as much anymore. I feel very free and a little more secure in my life. Only a week ago, I was bound by a four raids a week schedule that gave me little time to do anything other than WoW. Even school had to take a seat on the backburner at times. But now, I'm happy playing games on my own schedule and being able to do things in Real life (like seeing friends on Friday night, going to parties, giving a ton more attention to my girlfriend that I felt she lacked). 

  I did have a website hosted by Squarespace that I also ended the past week (thanks economy), so I'll probably do a little bit more blogging here when it comes to the geeky things in life that we all love. Yesterday I played through Terminator Salvation, and although a good game, I don't know if it'll be possible for me to stomach playing through it again on a harder difficulty just to get the full 1000gs out of it. The night before, I played through Quantum of Solace. The game was a little bit lacking on the points for the lower difficulty (as there are a lot of things to collect as well as Online achievements that I won't get due to my rental due date is next Friday). Next on the list is finishing King Kong and Viva Pinata, both games that I really haven't had a chance to get the full 1000 points out of since their release.