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6 Years and it's done (World of Warcraft)

After roughly about six years of playing this game, I just had to call it quits. March 5th will mark the end of my account and  a farewell to a character I played for all those years and several alts that started up many years after time invested in my main.
I can remember my first character, it was a Female Human Paladin named VidaGuerra (after a model) I got her to about level twenty and then I deleted her, switched servers and started playing a Night Elf Rogue (A racial choice I regret the whole time I played the character but stuck with. His name was Takuma and it was on the Stormrage-US server. I remember one of the first guilds I joined I was roughly around the same level as another Rogue and it was always a competition as far as leveling went - who could do it faster. I would later leave that guild to join a guild called The Realm where I met a dude I would know and play with for years. I remember it taking forever to get to 60 back then, and it didn't help much either that I would sit in Ironforge for hours doing nothing but chatting with my guild or trolling in Trade/LFG. I remember all the attempts I had at trying to get JAILBREAK! done, such a pain. Then there was raiding Zul Gurub, AQ20, Molten Core, Black Wing Lair, and attempts to kill the World Dragons. 
I remember being able to kill any class as a Rogue back in that day and gear wasn't really a big deciding factor. I would wear my full Shadowcraft set and beat Tier 2 Warriors and such. Pretty OP back in Vanilla. 
There is just so many memories flourishing through my mind. A lot of good times, a lot of hilarious moments. 
The whole experience began to wear itself thin though by the time Wrath of the Lich King came out. 
PvP was not fun, raiding wasn't hard, gearing become incredibly easier and took the mystique away from having a full set of epics. I can remember in Vanilla WoW seeing Rogues in full Tier 1 or 2 and being so jealous and so intimidated by it, but in WoTLK it was like well this isn't fun I look like every other Rogue now.
It's just time to hang the game up.
85 Rogue
85 Death Knight
85 Mage
80 Rogue, Death Knight, Paladin, Warrior, Warlock
70 Priest, Hunter
60 Druid
50 Mage, Shaman