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Bob's game Demo 1 impression

So after going viral for 100 days Pelloni finally released a demo for Bob's game (you can download it here). I just finished it... well read that i was just a minigame removed from the end of the demo so lets say I finished it.

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Graphically i think the game looks somewhat poor this mainly being due to the camera being far away from the characters making all the objects on already small upper screen even smaller. By having such a far away camera you cant see any detail in the objects making everything look extremely basic and bland. Guess it is more a style issue here, some people might like it.

One great thing about this game is how it uses the lower screen, it is used as a "real time" zone map. You will see all the other characters moving on it which is pretty neat to see.

The demo is actually rather short, if you know what you have to do my guess is that you can beat in in less than 3 minutes if it was not for that minigame at the end. The demo is a prequel chapter to the game that happens 5 years before the first chapter.

The protagonist Yuu just moved to a new place, the house is filled with moving boxes that still have to be unboxed. Yuu's mother will ask him to go and look for the batteries which after a couple of events he manages to get. After handing over the batteries his mother lets him outside and tells him to go and play with the neigbours kid. Yuu shows him his faux-gameboy (forgot the name) and the neighbors kid will ask Yuu to play it. Here the bottom screen becomes a faux-gameboy with a tetris escque game on it called Tetrid. Tetrid is really hard since it gives you pretty unconventional block shapes to stack up. Once you managed to beat tetrid (50 lines needs, 500 points) the faux gameboy will freeze to which the neighbors kids says that even the devs could not finishes their own game. The game skips to a cut scene in which Bob is shown starting to work on a new game that will be "even Better than Gantendo's classic Tetrid". End of demo.

The cool thing about the game is that there are plenty of easter eggs hidden and quite some video game references. I am not blown away by it but it is pretty nice, the concept and plot are quite interesting so i wonder what the next demo will show us.