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My thoughts on Dragon Age: Inquisition

Okay, so I've put about 10 hours into Dragon Age: Inquisition, and I can't decide if I am enjoying the act of playing this game. As a fan of western style RPGs like The Elder Scrolls series, I enjoy the huge open nature of just living in the world. Dragon Age tries this in a different way. The older games in the series were more linear, focusing on the main narrative with a few side quests here and there. Inquisition swings in the other direction, filling the world with side quests, to a degree is actually needed to progress the main story. How they do this is by introducing a kind of currency in the form of "power". You need to collect power by doing these side quests to gain assets and allies to Inquisition, allowing you to spend the power you earn to progress in the story. It kind of makes since in the context of the game, but sadly the side quests that I have found myself doing are boring, MMO style in nature, such as "collect 10 meat" and so on.

The main quest is more interesting, filled with dialog choices, and cool characters. I want to see what is going on in the story, but I am forced to go collect herbs and close fade rifts to gain power. It's a weird set back that is making me wonder if it is actually worth playing the boring stuff to get to the cool character moments and learning what is actually going on in the world.

You control a party of four people, in standard Bio-ware fashion, each with there own class abilities and personalities. Depending on who you bring along and what you say and do in the game, the individual members of the party will react and think of your character you create differently. This has been seen in previous Bio-ware games and works here as well as before.

With the negative things I have expressed here, I still feel like there is enough to keep me interested in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I want to love this game and I want to see it to the end. If I feel like I need to write anymore I will; maybe even in the form of a review.

Thanks for reading!

Signed, Eric Groves