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3.7 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

D's for Never Dirty, MC's for Mostly Clean... 0

Character action games aren’t exactly my strong suit, but I’ve played them from time to time. However, outside of Bayonetta and two of the present day Ninja Gaiden titles, I’d struggle to name which ones. Ninja Theory’s recent reboot of Devil May Cry (or DmC as they’re calling it) is the most recent one.I’ll be forthright and say that although I played the first game in the series, I hit a wall with it pretty early on and eventually returned it to the person I’d borrowed it from. I also have vag...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An immersive experience... 0

It goes without saying that Metroid is probably my favourite of Nintendo's classic franchises. The blend of platforming, shooting, exploration and strong science fiction aesthetic already make a compelling package, and the introduction of new mechanics over the course of the game keeps things interesting throughout. They also cater for two completely different playing styles: completionists have plenty to deal with and the games are an obvious favourite for the speedrunning community.Anyway, I h...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Half-good? Almost. 0

After retrospective coverage of the game on the Bombcast and a tempting pricepoint at my local store, I ended up buying this. With the basic concept being the much touted "Mass Effect with spies" , despite knowing full well of the middling reception the game had already received elsewhere I figured it was worth a shot.A co worker who also was interested in picking this up but never did asked me to tell him what I thought of it when I'd finished. In the end I told him it's almost the very definit...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.