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Middle School Bans Broness

Two notorious trouble makers caught in the act! What are our schools coming to!?
Two notorious trouble makers caught in the act! What are our schools coming to!?
Working in public schools I've seen and heard about my fair share of idiotic school rules. I've seen students expelled for turning in a boyscout knife they accidentally left in their jacket pocket, large swaths of the color wheel and the entire alphabet banned from student clothing, and the elimination of all forms of competition and celebration in the classroom, but this rule just issued by the administration at East Shore Middle School in Connecticut takes the cake. After a series of rampant groin kickings at their school the principal decided that the obvious solutio n was to BAN ALL FORMS OF PHYSICAL CONTACT. That includes shaking hands, high fives, pats on the back, hugging, kissing, virtually all forms of horse play, and, of coarse, the fist bump! Now I could lists a whole host of reasons why this rule is not only ludicrous on its face but also virtually unenforceable, but I think this rule speaks for itself. Congratulations East Shore administraition, your school finally made the news! You really showed the world just how well you can handle regular school discipline problems. Hope you're proud of yourselves!