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 [i]Question: How will you describe yourself musically?
Short description: If you could use a song (or several, if you can't make up your mind, you indecisive person) to describe yourself, which would you choose? Why?[/i]
This shouldn't be too hard..

 Me, myself, I. How to describe myself with music.

Let me define music.
[b]Music is art. It is a chamber of fusion, a tune in time. Music can represent anything, and yet it can also represent nothing (according to your paradigms).
It aids my slumbering heart. It fortifies my stress and anxiety. It creates the foundation of creation. It is the modern soul.[/b]

Past all these made-up metaphors and phrases, it's something that keeps you busy, a portable and unlimited stash of love and hate, life and death, truth and lies.

Music defines me in different ways. I listen to it all the time on one hand, and never at all in the other.
It can define my life with just a few short songs, yet I've yet to find those songs.

I am a very artistic person. When I look at something, an object, a person, I not only look at it from a physically view. I try to visualize the equations behind their movement (or cessation). I attempt to put images that they represent behind them. I tend to do this without realizing it, and so if a new person comes up to me and says "hello", my brain explodes with the potential connotations of that simple word, it's tone, it's magnificence, it's potency.  
 I just really like this song.

I don't think one, or even a few songs can define me as a person. Everyone is completely and utterly unique. While I may be a video game nerd, I also attend wine-tasting parties. While I may not know a lick of Spanish, I enjoy a variety of Spanish songs. Heavy metal is awesome in small doses, and random bands I've never heard can either be completly amazing or utter crap. And it represents me differently then anyone else.

Therefore, my answer is this: N/A.


QoTW #5 - What's the best console to ever exist?

 Since my youth I have taken part in video games of the console variety.
You name it, I've played it. Genesis, SNES, I even had a Fairchild locked up in my closet somewhere. As humans moved onto rounded controllers and shapely graphics, I began to appreciate the legacy of consoles more and more. My N64 was my best friend, and almost every night would be a Super Smash Tournament and Star Fox rounds at my house. 

But what I'm here to talk about is the Gamecube, released in 2001. It featured 12 launch games and was Nintendo's third-party whore.

First, the graphics. While I admit that both the Xbox and the PS2 had superior graphics during this generation, the Gamecube made up for it by being itself. Whe nI say that, I mean that the games is displayed showed such a defining change that for Nintendo fans like me, it was Christmas early.

The controller, a wing-shaped gold-send that could easily fit into one or two hands. This has to be the best controller on the market by far. Xbox controllers were made for giants and PS2 controllers had wonky triggers. The GC controller fit beautifully into your hand and was incredibly easy to use.

The games. Oh, my love. SSB Melee, Mario Kart, Dragonball, Need for Speed, Pikmin, Star Fox, Mario Sunshine, Sonic, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, NFS, I can go on and on. The GC boasts over 600 games and they were some of the finest on the market.

Simply put, the Gamecube was the love of my life for a number of years. When teh Wii was released with backwards-compatibility, and GC controller slots, I was in lovve all over again.