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Fable/Vanquish/Night at the Museum

Since last blog entry I've finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Very good), Red Dead Redemption (Awesome) and I'm on to Fable III, Vanquish and Night at the museum (Mainly for the achievement points, I'll accept).   
Vanquish is totally mental, much like Bayonetta, but fantastic with it.  Much like Bayonetta.  I'm rubbish at it, thought.  It's short, so perhaps on the second way through I'll be better! 
Fable III is surprisingly good, after all the discussions that it's so disappointing.  But I'm a long way before the "big twist".  Of course, I know what the big twist is now, as the Bombcast has given it away, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless. 
Night at the museum is actually rather good!