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My guilty pleasure...

Am I the only person on Giant Bomb who love Golden Tee Golf? It gets no respect in the major gaming sites, yet it's hugely successful. I know, there's like at least 30 bars in my area that has a Golden Tee machine. Using that trackball to swing that golf club is totally awesome, especially with a few beers in your system.

You'll be the death of me...
You'll be the death of me...
Maybe it's just me, but I love this game. I really do. Yes, I suck at the game, but that hasn't stopped me from getting one of those Golden Tee cards to track my progress. Love it, love it. It has to be the course designs, tbh. Or the intense strategy. Or just the friendship with the other bargoers going at it like they're (probably!) drunk. It's social fun, more social than yelling racial epithets over Xbox Live. The next time you see a Golden Tee machine, go try a few holes. You may be getting a Golden Tee card before you know it.