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My Goddamned Video Game Experience. Being Afraid with Outlast

I don't typically play horror games.

When I do, I record it live on the internet for people to see.

I'm not like PewDiePie or something. I don't care for running commentary. I appreciate raw game footage with all the bullshit. Sure, it lacks "personality" but that kind of stuff just isn't for me. I've always been a bigger fan of the written word. So I want to try to post raw gameplay with a blog post. I want to put my gameplay out there for the public. I want to put my writing out there for the public.

So with that said, here's day 1 of my goddamned video game experience. Being Afraid with Outlast

The first three parts are technically a single gameplay session cut into segments. The beginning is pretty basic as we get to know the mechanics. Outlast sets the mood incredibly well with excellent sound design. Every single step made creates a creak or a groan on the hardwood floor. Even this early on you never feel quite safe, how can you when your footsteps give off such a cacophony?

The "jump scare" is a much argued technique in horror. It's usage can be seen as both a strength or a weakness, depending on how it's implented. The way I see it, jump scares are meant to be used to pull the cork on tension. When the desired effect is an immediate release of every terrifyingly tense muscle, using a jump scare works pretty well. However the jump scare is only earned when it's built up properly.

From what I've seen so far Outlast knows how to implement a proper jump scare. The first being within the first 15 minutes. A door slightly ajar. Darkness clearly visible beyond the edge. You know you need to go through. You also know that up to this point you've seen nothing, you've experienced nothing. This door becomes the edge of a cliff. Once you open this door the real Outlast experience begins. There's no turning back now.

The door opens and sure enough you're greeted with a corpse hanging in front of your face. I'll admit I didn't expect it. I retracted, my mouse hand trembled slightly. You got me game, congratulations.

And sure enough, we've now jumped off the cliff. Outlast has begun and there's no turning back. Shortly there after a giant menace grabs you during your most vulnerable and sends you flying.

What's my next goal? Well how about a little exploring? I see dead guards, I see crazy inmates, I see lots of blood. Down a hall there's a person in a wheelchair. Down another hall a figure darts into a door. I'm basically in a no-win scenario here. I saunter past the wheelchair bound inmate and see several figures sitting around a television set. Game? Are they bugged? Will they attack? Well I've already exhausted my other options.

So what's going on here? Clearly not everyone is a psycho killer. Not everyone wants to see my blood spilled. Yet again, my expectations are dashed when that scrawny wheelchair bound dude decides he wants a piece. Luckily my ability to shake the mouse back and forth is pretty good.

Then on to the basement. Someone decided it best to turn out all the lights. Thankfully I have this handy device that lets me see in the dark.

Unthankfully for me I now have to deal with something called gameplay

Well Outlast you've shown me your first real blemish. Down here in the basement with a maniac. Making sound triggers his AI. I either run or die. Once I've identified the mechanic it's no longer scary. It's simply a video game mechanic. Unfortunate. After a few tried I manage to figure out the correct routines and make my way out of the basement.

And thus we have our first twist. A crazy man! He wants me alive? Now I'm in a padded cell... oh dear.

So there it is. My first day with Outlast. I'll admit I kind of fizzled out near the end. I'll need to work on a better structure going forward. Thoughts? Criticism? Thanks for reading if you did.