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Here's the world I'm importing into DAII, yours? !!!SPOILERS!!!


Name: Limus FLStyle 
Level: 32
Race: Male Human

Origin: Mage
Class: Mage
Specialisations: Arcane Warrior, Spirit Healer and Battlemage
GF/BF: Morrigan

Origins Story

Dalish vs Werewolves - Zathrian ended the curse, killing himself and the Lady of the Forest, turning the werewolves back to humans. Recruited the Dalish.
Bhelen vs Harrowmont - Destroyed the anvil, killed Branka, put Harrowmont on the throne. Recruited the Dwarves.
Mages vs Templars - Cleared the tower out of the blood mages and abominations, protected innocent mages (Wynne recruitment), saved Irving. Recruited the Mages 
Ashes and Dragon - Used my wordy skills to convince Sten to follow orders, slaughtered the cult, killed the High Dragon, kept the ashes pure
Connor, Demon and Arl Eamon - I cleared out the Magi Tower beforehand so Irving and some mages gave me a hand, I killed the demon, saving Connor, Eamon and Isolde in the process, sent Jowan back to the Circle. 
Landsmeet and Ritual - Killed Loghain, put Alistair on the throne and Anora in a tower. Did the Ritual with my GF Morrigan who was sad to leave. Asked that the Grey Warden's sacrifice never be forgotten again, got a GW statue.
Characters - Recruited everyone, did the missions for Sten, Morrigan, Oghren, Wynne only.
 Combat Limus
 Combat Limus

Awakening Story

Fully upgraded Vigil's Keep, saved Amaranthine. Proclaimed a hero.
Alligned with The Architect against The Mother.
Oghren helped out his kid.
Anders and Nathaniel survived, stayed with the Wardens for a while and left.
Justice was killed
Vellena disappeared into the Deep Roads when she thought she saw her sister.
Sigrun.. did something or went somewhere, didn't care.

Golems of Amgarrak Story

No moral choices of note, killed the boss and left, everyone survived. Assume that with some of DAII taking place in the Deep roads there will be a mention of my warden-Commander fighting the monsters here.

Witch Hunt Story

Left with Morrigan through the eluvian hopefully to return one day with Morrigan and God-child as trio of powerful mages.