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Blah blah blah where's my Killer 7 remake blah blah blah

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A Hiatus of Sorts

Not much to say this week--I was away on business last week, which meant I didn't have much time for gaming although I can say Pillars of Eternity is a masterpiece and Forza Horizons 2 Presents Fast and Furious is pretty fucking fun, but that's really it--and I'll be away on business next week, and then I'm going to be drunk on the shores of the Irish Sea after that...which is to say the next few weeks are going to be quiet over here. I'll try to have some actual thoughts on PoE put together before I head off to the UK next week, but I don't promise anything; there's a shocking amount of prep work I need to do and also some freelance stuff I really should try to get started on before the trip too, so.

It's been a busy goddamn month and it looks to continue to be that way for a while, so I apologize in advance about the lack of stuff to read.