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#1  Edited By Fourattic

A little progress of our trailer. It’s far from finished yet, but it’s getting its shape. Hope you like it guys!

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#2  Edited By Fourattic

Hi people from Giant Bomb!

I don't know if this is the correct topic for this. If there's a problem with this, please move it to the correct topic or contact us. We really want to show you our project.

We are an indie videogame studio called Fourattic, from Seville, Spain. We are four guys who left their previous jobs to do what we love the most: creating games. We are working full time on this to make it happen.

We're creating a videogame calle Crossing Souls. Is an Action RPG with orthogonal 2D view with an 80s looking style, slightly similar to classics like Legend of Zelda or the most recent indie game Hyper Light Drifter. It will be release soon on Kickstarter. It will be availabe on Windows, Mac and Linux, but we would like to release it in consoles too.It will depend of the goals reached on KSHope you like it!


It’s 1986 in California. A group of friends will live the Summer of their lives after a mysterious discovery in their town’s woods. They will find an artifact whose powers they don’t understand and that will make them defy the laws of Nature, allowing them to interact between two planes of reality: life and death. This will trigger a series of unexpected events that will get them involved in a US Government conspiracy and a mysterious General who has his own plans.

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An adventure that will change their lives.

Main Characters:

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Our group of friends in their two versions

A scenario:

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