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#1  Edited By fr0z3nf1r3

A personal thought of mine is the Orchid Pollen. The oragami killer is drenched in the stuff, maybe Ethan has a powerful reaction to it which causes blackouts? Jayden's ARI shows the dense trail the killer leaves behind. All he's gotta do is wait for Ethan to breathe in a good amount and drop. Then he can take advantage of the child and the father by "Assisting them" to the hospital (like a good citizen). Drops off Ethan at Carnaby with an origami and takes the boy with him. 
In the house he could just be hiding somewhere, waiting for Ethan to drop. It'd be pressing a bit of luck though.  
 Also he could have kidnapped the child right then too :\ 
Either way it makes more sense than just "I pass out, no one seems to care/notice me.. Ill walk away and leave the child and go home.