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National Express are going to kill me.

So tonight i was taking a train back to Uni from home, with my young persons railcared ticket. ONLY PROBLEM WAS, i forgot said railcard.

So the ticket inspector said i would have to pay full fare, and as it was so last minute, that would have been around £60 at best. The inspector left with my tickets and didn't return for a long long time, and in this space of time, i decided to bail off the train and get a £10 cheap ticket to my destination.

Now i'm just praying they don't have enough details to contact me with a fine/charge of some kind :S!

And in gaming news. My £19 Little Big Planet should arrive soon so i'll be writing about that in the near future, might try and do a review as i've never done one before.

Played a bit of Mario Galaxy for the first time in a long while yesterday, i forgot how good that game is, and an example that proves it, is that the fire and ice levels are actually hideously fun, and any game that can manage that deserves some kind of recognition.

Anyone got Resistance 2? I loved the first game, but mainly for the offline co-op and occasionally dabbling in the online multiplayer. So i could do with some advice whether to get 2 or not.

Cheers ma'dears!