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ps1 revival and Echochrome

Recently i've been playing through my old ps1 games; lots of Croc and Crash 2, becuase they're AMAZING. Crash Bandicoot 2 is verging on painfull frustrating due to the phyics in it not being what they are today. I'm finding it trick just getting back into the control scheme so that i can actually make the jumps i'm trying to make.

Croc is just as good as i imagined. I was too young to know if this is a really well respected game, but it sure as hell should be. There's some really inspired level design and the boss battles are surprisingly good and really quite unique. They also seem to have allowed for the lame physics a bit more than Crash has, becuase they make the platforms big enough to land on even if the game messes up. Main problem with it is the camera and getting croc to turn around, causing a little frustration.

Finally Echochrome, i downloaded the demo last night after ages of wanting it (and just not realising it was out) and it's amazing! The response time is  alittle slow so often your character falls through something jus becuase you couldn't move the platform in time. But anyway, it's a really inspired and clever little game. I really want the full game of it but it's £7 (so like, $15) which seems a lot for a PSN puzzle game download. Anyone got the whole thing?