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Best of 2011

2011 was a pretty conflicting year game wise for me. On paper, it's one of the best years the industry's ever seen. In practice, it's a damn fine year, but no revolution. The industry didn't move forward or backward. It just sort of stood still. That's not necessarily a good thing, but it ain't all that bad. There weren't a lot of outright lows, that's for sure. It's just the high didn't hit as hard. Well, that's not entirely true. I didn't play any bad games this year, but I played a lot more than are on this list. Bulletstorm, Shadows of the Damned, and Uncharted 3 are all great games, but I'm probably not gonna go back to any of them. Still, I had an absolute blast with the games on this list and the top half of this list might go down as all time favs for me.

List items

  • Good God, man, what a game! Now, the things everyone talks about are a few amazing missions that, honestly, if you've heard any detail about those missions (dekkers.die and the tiger thing specifically), they're basically ruined for you as the very concept of those missions is what so staggeringly insane and amazing. What you actually do in them is fun, but not mind blowing. No, the thing that's really amazing about this game is that it's pure fuckin' fun. The car handling, the gunplay (very basic, but still a ton of fun), and one of the coolest jets in any video game are just a blast to play around in. It's the perfect sandbox game; a true expression of what that actually means. It's not mature in any way, but who gives a flying shit!

  • This game really should be higher on this list. The reason I say that is because I'm PS3 guy which means I got the Exclusive Super-Busted Edition of this game. This console exclusive content is getting out of hand, man. Anyway, if it wasn't so goddamn broken it would definitely be number two on this list because oh my God this game is amazing. I hate RPGs, but have always been fond of Bethesda's aspirations for their games, just not their executions. They finally got it and made the RPG I always wanted but wasn't sure I'd get: a game that lets me play the way I want in a giant open world without arbitrary bullshit. Once the PS3 version is fixed, it will be higher on my list, but it's not right now and at the moment I'm not sure it ever will be. Hope springs eternal. Still, I do love this game.

  • Honorable mention.

  • Honorable mention. I love this game but haven't really touched since it game out. Finished the story mode and played some great user generated stuff but that was literally almost a year ago. Still, it's a great game as the first if not a little superfluous as it's basically the same core game with really incredible additions. Part of me wonders why this wasn't just an expansion pack, but whatever, still great.

  • As I said, I only have a PS3 so this was the first year I played this game. Consider it my 2011's 2010 game of the year.