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Top 5 JRPGs I want to finish in 2015

So I've started seriously working on my backlog in the past couple of years. That being said, I still haven't made a significant dent in the JRPG genre. With Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles X coming (hopefully) this year, I need to start completing more games.

Thus, I want to finish the following JRPGs this year.

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  • Owned since 1999.

    UPDATE : Completed! It took me a little less than 30 hours and it was (mostly) a ton of fun! The job system by itself makes this game worth playing. I really enjoyed trying new classes and combining abilities. Also, the game is pretty challenging. I had to do a fair bit of grinding before I was ready to face the last boss.

    Overall, FFV is an excellent JRPG that still hold up because of the job system.

  • Owned since 1999.

  • Owned since 2001.

    UPDATE : Completed! And I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed the music and finally took the time to properly understand the combat system. The story was very interesting and must have been pretty innovative when the game came out in 2000. Also, I think it handled its connections with Chrono Trigger in a classy way.

  • Owned since 2010.

  • Owned since 2012.