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The Grand Opening Entry

 Here begins my Giant bomb profile, so I think it's fitting that I set out a few things.
 First, I'll be using this space mostly for reviews. My reviews will not follow a strict structure, nor do I intend for final evaluations to be equally influenced all categories equally. My final score shall be based, as is the way of the industry these days, upon only my personal impression of the game as a whole. In essence, how much fun I ultimately had with a game will determine the score. However within the body I aim to be methodical and accurate, and as such will discuss gameplay and presentation in an orderly and complete fashion, and consider problems in seperate sections following each topic.
 Unfortunately, my habits steer me towards excellent games, so expect review scores to be high for at least the first little while, until I can get myself some crap to play. Finally on this subject, I'm with the Giant Bomb crew about DLC and patches. I'll only consider them at the time of review if they are currently available.
 Second, I'll be using this blog pretty much exclusively as a place to record my pre-review thoughts. I wouldn't expect too much more of it.