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Eidos, I Thought You Learned Your Lesson...

So if you have not already heard, Eidos, the publisher of such games as Tomb Raider, Hitman, and Kayne and Lynch, have asked Metacritic to hold off on releasing the scores for its latest game, Tomb Raider: Underworld. The game looks quite intresting, but one thing caught my eye the other day on Kotaku. Metacritc told Kotaku: "That’s right. We’re trying to manage the review scores at the request of Eidos.” When asked why, the spokesperson said: “Just that we’re trying to get the Metacritic rating to be high, and the brand manager in the US that’s handling all of Tomb Raider has asked that we just manage the scores before the game is out, really, just to ensure that we don’t put people off buying the game, basically.”
Now, if this does not ring a bell, maybe this will help:
Yup. And know what else. Both company's, Gamespot, and Metacritic, are owned by CNET.