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False Pretenses

Six months ago or so my mom was on AOL and happened to see an article. This article was titled the top seven worst video games of all time. after my mom read  this I got a questioning as to if I'd seen or played any of these games. on this list were  GOW, deadspace, fallout 3, and fable 2. After an adamant defense of the age old video game and violence argument  on my part, I was told not to play these games .A few days later I was playing Fable 2 and I just about got caught. Had I been caught in this "heinious" act I would have got  into big trouble. What I'm wondering is why does the mainstream media publish these sorts of article that are damaging towards the video game industry. This is especially irratating to me because more than likely, the article was written by a Jack Thompson parrot, or a completly misinformed journalist looking for a way to start a buzz on the interwebs. This seems shameful that gaming must be portrayed as an evil habit because the few poorly researched articles and the extremely rare death attributed  videogames.  Yeah right... you shoot a few people and it's not because of video games, you got a few screws loose in the first place. But there are hopeful signs. The media is having to begrudgingly admit that video games are becoming a viable medium meant to express peoples  thoughts and feelings, and that they are here to stay!