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Persona 5 is almost definitely coming to Switch, right? Hopefully we get P4 Golden and some form of P3 at some point, too.

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Pokemon and on and on and on

A major event in my personal life led to me being home for the holidays this year. It was nice to spend some time with the family, seeing as I hadn't seen them for a quite some time prior to this event. With me being home for the first time in a while, my mom and stepfather spent quite a bit on me.

I came out of it with a record player (which is awesome, by the way) and a brand new copy of Pokemon X for my 3DS. My younger brother opened up some Minecraft-related shwag along with the companion game, Pokemon Y. He was pretty excited about it, while my interest was mostly a nostalgia-based curiosity.

Ah, the days of my youth... Like the scent of a fresh lemon, you see.
Ah, the days of my youth... Like the scent of a fresh lemon, you see.

See, I've played the Pokemon games on and off since the first ones, but the last one to really grab me was Gold version. I sunk an inordinate amount of time into that game, along with the first ones, and I fucking loved every second of it. I have a soft spot in my heart for Pokemon, I just haven't been able to feel it much since then.

That's where Pokemon X comes in. This game has totally grabbed me, and I can't exactly put my finger on why. Maybe it's the significantly faster character movement, or the new graphical style. Maybe it has something to do with the relatively small number of new Pokemon in this title, leading to less uninspired crap. Maybe it's the new type addition, completely messing with the age-old type chart in a way they haven't done since Gold/Silver.

Those all seem like relatively minor changes though, right? I'm not quite sure how this game has managed to get its hooks into me so deep. I've sunk 105 hours into it since Christmas. That's completely insane.

Well, my inability to understand my love for it aside, the game is fucking great, and it's definitely the best one the series has offered in a long time. If you have a passing interest or curiosity about Pokemon, I'd say you should definitely pick this one up.

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