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Top 5 Best Campaigns in the Halo Series

Before I take my daily trip into the cesspool known as Xbox Live, I like going back to play the campaigns of the Halo games every once in a while. Now that Bungie's magnum opus has come to a halt (Until Microsoft's 343 begins the milking), I thought it would be fitting to countdown my top 5 favorite campaign in the series. My list will be quite controversial to many, but this is purely an opinion piece and you can feel free to disagree. So, here are my top 5 favorite campaigns in the Halo series. 

5. Halo 2:

Watching the E3 2003 game demo was a lot more enjoyable than playing the actual campaign. It was an incredibly underwhelming campaign compared to the original. It never had a single memorable set-piece, the mission design was uninventive, lacked open levels, the A.I. was dumb downed and the pacing was inconsistent. The story had an interesting premise by having to play as an Elite and showing the Covenant’s side of the conflict, but the transition from Master Chief’s tale to the Arbiter’s was jarring and convoluted. Then there’s the infamous cliff-hanger “ending” that we all know and hate. The campaign isn’t bad; it’s just mediocre. 


4. Halo: Reach:

This is a controversial pick, as fans consider it to be one of the best, except for me. The story tried to be emotional, but it was less heartfelt and more half-hearted. The characters were undeveloped and dull for a character driven story. Bungie didn’t expand some of the new elements it brought to the series, such as the jetpack plat-forming, zero-g gravity segments, space combat, and on-rails shooting segments. The planet wasn’t as atmospheric or immersive as Bungie claimed. It also lacked memorable set-pieces or big battles that Bungie were hyping up; where were the Scarab battles? While the enemy A.I. was excellent, the friendlies are dumber than they were in Halo 2 & 3. But I have to admit, the Elites were a bit too hyperactive and occasionally cheap on higher difficulty levels.  

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the campaign. The level design was rock solid, it was well paced, and there were good variations in the mission design. It’s just that the campaign had so much potential that Bungie didn’t tap. I will say that the ending was phenomenal; easily the best part of the entire campaign.


3. Halo 3:

This is controversial choice, as fans would consider it as one of the weakest. I’d say it was one of the strongest. It brought back the compelling mission structure, big battles, great enemy A.I. and open environments I loved from Halo: CE. The Scarab battles were one of the game’s biggest highlights; they made Half-Life 2’s Striders pale in comparison. The four-player co-op component was awesome too. The only complaints I had were its short length, the mission Cortana, friendly A.I. and its storytelling. The storytelling was very lackluster; it had so much potential to be more than a macho war story. Well, at least the ending was good. 


2. Halo 3: ODST:

Once again, along with Halo 3, it’s considered to have one of the weakest campaigns in the series. I on the other hand, find it to be much underappreciated. The contrast between moody night-time and high-octane day-time levels was brilliantly executed. The campaign is expertly paced and had the level design is superbly. The film-noir approach to the story worked very well too, and the characters were most humane in the series. It’s also, by far, the most tactical game in the series. The night-time levels were a fresh change of pace to the chaotic action of the series, focusing on exploration and atmosphere. It’s short, but sweet. I liked it, so bite me. 


1. Halo: Combat Evolved:

Well, this was expected. Even today, many fans consider CE to contain the best campaign. Why not? It had everything; inventive mission design, epic set-pieces, tight pacing, compelling storyline, great level design (The corridors aren’t as repetitive as people make them out to be), smart A.I., and a great ending. Sure, The Library was painful, but a lot of great games had one bad level. Play Half-Life's Xen and Ocarina of Time's Water Temple if you don't believe me. Every other mission was superbly designed, and brimmed with memorable moments. I will never forget storming an assault on the covenant infested beach on The Silent Cartographer. This was the game that started-off the series with a bang. Till this day, I consider it to have one of the best single-player experiences in the genre. 

Now before any annoying Halo hater hijacks this thread, you can share your top 5 favorite single-player components in the series if you actually bothered yourself to read this.


Movies that get a lot of undeserved hatred.

While a lot of good game get a lot of flak (Like the Halo and Call of Duty franchise. Yup, I said. I have to admit that MW2 and Halo Wars weren't very good though.). There are a lot of good movies that received a lot of hate, usually for no legitimate reason. 
Here are examples. 

  • No Country for Old Men
"da endin sux! id dont make no sinse. it adrupts and nothin happens!" Well, the reason you hated it is because you were expecting the "Hollywoodish" ending. The ending where the good guy defeats the bad guy, saves the girl, and then they ride into the sun set. This film takes a realistic stab at those endings, by providing a somber ending that wraps up the theme perfectly. No Country for Old Men is a masterpiece, that beautifully conveys mortality and the defilement of humanity. It deserved every ounce of praised it received, and everyone are going to bash me for saying that. 

  • Lost in Translation
This is a witty, superbly acted, impeccably directed, and honest film about friendship in an alien environment. If you ask me, Bill Murray should have won the Oscar for best actor over Sean Penn. 
  • The Hurtlocker
This isn't an anti-war movie, nor a pro-war movie. It's a movie that portrays how soldiers psychologically endured in the second Gulf War. It was gripping and fascinating movie. It wasn't my favorite film of 2009, it wasn't a bad choice for Best Picture either.
  • Titanic:
Did it deserve the Academy Award for Best Picture? No. Is it a masterpiece? No. Its just a solid movie. It isn't one of the wittiest romance out there, but it wasn't the corniest or sappiest romance I've seen. It's a non-cynical, and enjoyable big budget romance. Hell, Titanic was practically the last James Cameron movie I liked. 
  • Crash
Like Titanic, I didn't think it deserved Best Picture, but it wasn't bad either. It's not nearly as pretentious or preachy like Babel was, now that film was shit.  
  • There Will Be Blood: 
One of the greatest films of all time, and Daniel Day-Lewis gives out one of the greatest performances of all time. That's all I'm going to say.
Now before anyone starts flaming me, what movies do you think get a lot of undeserved hate?     
EDIT: Alright, alright. I know these movies are critically acclaimed (Except for Titanic and Crash; they received moderately positive reviews), but they receive plenty of backlash by people who claim themselves to be "cinephiles". Most bash No Country for Old Men, due to it's ending. 

What game you do you believe get a lot of undeserved hatred?

I'm just going to list a bunch a games and game franchises that I firmly believe get a lot of unneeded hatred by gamers, mainly from the hardcore audience.

Before and when COD4 was released, nearly everyone loved the series and you barely heard a negative word towards the series. Now that it has become phenomenally popular, the huge amount of haters grew and many people are now jumping onto the "COD is overrated!!!" bandwagon. Look, the series isn't the be all, end all of first-person shooters, but it's a damn fine series. The campaigns, while scripted, immerses you into a chaotic battlefield better than any other military themed shooter. The multi-player is deep, easy to pick up, fast paced, and addicting. COD4 up the ante for online shooters with it's deep RPG system and perks. Treyarch's take on the series are good too, especially Black Ops (Which is infinitely better than MW2, MP wise). 
I will say that Modern Warfare 2's MP, was a buggy and unbalance mess. The single-player and co-op missions were good at least.
This is actually the first GTA that I immensely enjoyed. The game is a bit overrated by critics, but it's far from a terrible game. The two biggest problems I've had with prior GTAs, were the missions and the farcical storytelling. The main missions were often poorly designed, based too much on time limits, and frustrating. The protagonist of the previous GTAs were two-dimensional and unlikable macho tough guys. The missions in GTA IV are well designed, never too easy or frustrating, and no time based missions (Well, there are a few, but they give a reasonable time limit this time). The protaganist is actually sympathetic this time around, and the story was rather compelling. It may not be as "sandboxy" as previous GTA installments, but the core gameplay and storyline radically improved in IV. 
I'm going to be flamed by every Morrowind fan around here. No doubt. I'm still going to say that Oblivion, gameplay wise, is better than Morrowind. Okay, I have to admit that Morrowind had a far more unique setting and art design than Oblivion's generic D&D theme. The story was a little more interesting too. Other than that, I still prefer Oblivion. I think it's a much much easier to get into and better focused game than Morrowind. Angry Morrowind fan in 1... 2... 3... 
I'm just going to say it here. Halo is overrated by the gaming media. BUT! it's underrated by the hardcore gaming audience. Do I consider the Halo franchise to be the greatest shooter franchise ever? No (No such thing). Would I place any Halo game in my top 10 favorite games of all time list? I highly doubt it. Do any of the games in the series in deserve a perfect 10? No (Maybe with the exception of CE, since that was a very innovative game for it's time). Despite all of that, they're extremely well made, polished, and designed games. None of them deserve any score below an 8. They provide robust and well balanced multi-player, with a solid single-player component. It has an interesting universe, while not as fascinating as Mass Effect's, but has a very rich backstory to it. Yet, I'm still going to be flamed by nearly everyone on this forum for defending this series. Geez, I can't wait... 
I will say Halo Wars was crap.
  • Casual gaming in general:
I have to admit, I enjoy a casual game every now and then. I like how gaming is broadening to a wider audience, so everyone is able to get into the medium. I like how it isn't exclusive to just one primary audience. It's good that there's casual games, and it's not going to hurt the hardcore gaming market. They're not all piss easy games, they're just easier to get into and accessible. I sometimes prefer some casual games, over hardcore games. Because sometimes I really don't want to read a 200 page manual, thrown into a game world without a tutorial to guide me through the basic mechanics, or travel a thousand miles in real-time to get to my destination.  
It has it's cons, but it was still an engrossing and terrifying experience. I have to give Team Silent props for experimenting and taking risks by changing the core formula. It has one of the best stories in the series too. Hell, I would rank the story up with Silent Hill 2's.  
Is it overrated? I say it kind of is. Is it bad? No, in fact it's far from bad. It's a damn good game. It help open JRPGs to the western market. Without it, great JRPG games such as Xenogears and the Persona series would probably wouldn't attract a large fanbase in the west.

So before any flames me, I like to ask: What games do you think get a lot of undeserved hate? 
EDIT: I forgotten to mention Killzone 2 and Resident Evil 5. Killzone 2 is a generic game, but it does everything very well. It's a rock solid shooter, that may not be unique, but it's fun to play. Resident Evil 5 was decent, but disappointing compared to RE4. Does that make it a bad game like everyone makes it out to be? No.