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I'll miss you Ryan

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I only ever talked to Ryan in person for like 5 minutes at Rock Back Night before PAX East this year and he was even more of a joy to talk to then I would have ever expected. I have been following Ryan’s work since he could have passed for a member of Smash Mouth. I really enjoyed everything he was involved in and what he ended up creating with Giant Bomb actually shaped where I plan on taking my career after college. He, and the rest of the Giant Bomb guys, have provided me with more hours of entertainment and pure joy than any other thing or group of people. To say I was shocked when learning of his passing would be an understatement. He was only 34 and less than a week ago got married and seemed like the happiest guy on the planet. That’s how I’ll remember him. So I’ll be rocking my Vibrams, stabbing dudes in the face and giving Will Smith a hard time, just like he would have liked.

I’ll miss you.

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