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SL 1 Blog #2: In the Beginning...

So I've gotten through the gargoyles and kellog. Nothing too hard, the only issue i had was the battle axe was only doing 67 damage per hit 2 handed. So kellog took forever to kill. Then I killed ceasless and now i think i'm probably going to farm shards to get the battle axe to +10 and the hand axe to +5 so that they can be ready after for enchantment after I'm done with Anor Londo.

Dammit i just remembered as i was writing this that i forget to get power within. Man its going to be a bitch going up to get power within. Maybe i'll just do the depths anyway ( I skipped it with the master key) so that i can get power within and then homeward bone out. Goddamit i hate when i forget to do stupid stuff like that. Oh well, i guess after grinding i'll do it and be done with it. I still haven't figured out what the armor will be. I'd like to keep the fast roll b/c that's my preferred play style, but that may not be viable for some cases like O & S and gwym. Right now, I'm still rocking the pyro gear and don't need to change at least not until anor londo which is a ways away. I'll probably go do the forest and havel but I'll probably skip the hydra since she doesn't have anything i want. I'll just suicide run in for the knight gear.

So that's the plan for right now. Whenever i get time to update, i'll do so and let everyone in on my progress.