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The New Semi-Wythnos Hebdomadary Recapitulation

Where the hell's the real blog?

I Know, I know. I said I'm bad at this blogging thing last week, but do not give up hope! I've decided to move the full weekly blog to Sunday nights and start a new recap side blog. Why? Well first of all, Fridays can be busy for me, not unlike most. If I'm not hunkering down to game solo, then I'm hunkering down to game with some friends, or on rare occasions, actually leave my cave (trusty trusty safe warm cave..........huh!? oh yea). Second, well I generally get most of my gaming done during the weekend. So it just doesn't make much sense to me to have a Friday blog that talks about the games I'm currently wading through and talking about stuff I played mostly the week before. That's pretty much it.
Now the question is what will this part of the blog be about? Kind of a brain dump of my escapades over the week days. What I've played, anything important I feel the need to mention about said things I've played, etc. This part (I don't like the word "part" for this....need to come up with a better word....feature doesn't seem right...hmmm, maybe you all can help me with that one?) should appear once a week or so unless I have done no gaming at all (which generally means I'm currently devouring a couple DVD sets or perhaps something even more catastrophic). So let's get to business shall we? No need for this to be as long as the last one eh? (Betcha can't guess where I live ya' hoser!)
Item the First:....(I did mention this would be itemized didn't I?...oh, well it is, deal with it)
Folklore is still awesome! There has been a slight set back in the plan however. There comes a point where you have to play as the second character (Keats) to be able to advance the story further. Which means I am currently working through the game with Keats. Do I regret my decision? Hell no! You are playing through the same levels as before so I think it was good that I had that time between replays of levels. Don't think for one second that it's boring though! Getting to see the other side of the story is lots of fun and there are different folk in each world to collect. At any rate, fun is being had still and will continue to be had, the world is safe.
Item the Second:...(I should really have neat little titles for these things...wait then what are these things?)
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...WTF? I didn't play anything else this week? Accursed DVDs!!!!! Hmmm.... ah this is a topic worth covering. Champions Online is having it's 1 Year Anniversary!!! HELLS YEAH!!! Currently patching up and getting ready to dust of the old character, Dr. Steambolt (seen in append. A or is that exhibit A?) .... wait a second that's Iron second....There we go, that's better! At any rate,
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I suggest you all sign up for the free week (Starts on the 1st) and try it out. It's a lot of fun and the character creator is excellent! Look me up on there and I'll be more than happy to show you around/help you with some missions. Cryptic uses a one user name/multiple character names system which means to can find me no matter what I'm playing. My user name is @Goku13K, so look me up. Until Sunday, have a great weekend everyone!
 Have a good one, everybody
Jesse "Goku13k" Dyck