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#1  Edited By golguin

@wemibelec90 said:

@KingBroly: These seem like complaints people had before the game came out, before they knew what the final product might be (although I can understand concerns about Ninja Theory doing a combat system). I'm just listing complaints I've seen online in the past few days with my thoughts because it was bugging me.

@ViciousReiven: It is absolutely less intricate. However, remember how much simpler 1 is than 3? I do, having just played both of them. DMC 3 was an evolution of the series, built upon the framework of the last two games as the developer learned what worked and what didn't. I think Ninja Theory should be given the same chance. If the next game remains rather simplistic and NT doesn't do any work to make it better, I think an argument could be better made at that point. I would have been shocked to see a company like NT, one that hasn't developed a great combat system before, to make something as crazy complex as DMC 3.

I suppose taken from that perspective you could say that this DmC could go towards DMC3 levels of complexity in the next game. However, lets remember that there was nothing like DMC when it was initially made. This game had a plethora of examples from which to build from and it decided to largely ignore them, but I guess we wont know until they make DmC2 and see if the combat gets more complex.

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#2  Edited By golguin

I hope that once the study concludes people will no longer be able to use video games or movies as scapegoats for guns.

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#3  Edited By golguin

@Rhaknar said:

so killing the gargoyles with a sorceror + solaire makes the boss a fucking joke heh. Not sure how much more Ill play it tho tbh, I think im done with it for, for now at least. Not really "feeling it" anymore (which is completely understandable I think). I think its because you dont really feel like a "typical" mage-type, at least until you get more spells I guess? Most of the time Im still slashing fools to save magic arrows. I got Faith up to 12 to buy Heal, I dont even know if thats a good idea or not, I just wanted another spell :(

Do casters go down both int and faith or not?

Also lol on that first video, is Iron Flesh that good?

PS: I forgot to free Laudrec before killing the gargoyles and he wasnt in his cage anymore, he still shows up in the camp ready to murder the lady I imagine, I tried to kill him but he refuses to fight, just stands there, I almost knocked him off the cliff (which I didnt want because I want the ring, not the souls) and gave up.

Iron Flesh was that good when the game came out. That's why the spell was nerfed in a patch. You could literally walk up to the Four Kings, stand still, and just swing away without a worry. You could still kinda do that, but it's not as effective as it once was.

I've never played as an INT character, but I know they can hit very hard once they get better spells and equipment to boost their damage. Their best spells are those found in the DLC.

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#4  Edited By golguin

I recently got all the achievements in the game and it was a blast playing through it twice. Very dark story and yet I caught myself laughing out loud in a good number of parts like the Fidget Doll scene or Fidget's occasional 4th wall breaking.

I would also like to say that despite General Gaius not giving the exact reason for his campaign you get a sense during the ending that something happened in the past to Cassius and the general to justify their actions in their own mind.

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#5  Edited By golguin

@believer258 said:

I'm almost tempted to fire up my computer and find the first cutscene of DMC3. That, to me, personified the series and simply from what I've seen, this doesn't have much of that. That said, I think the combat looks fun enough to peek into. I'm just not sure if I care much about the aesthetics and tone and writing, which all seems to be missing what I liked about DMC3. Finally, it's worth noting that I am not a DMC fan- I just liked what I've played of the thord game and this doesn't have what I would have been looking for in another.

There you go. I myself would like to hear from vets of the series that can talk about the combat and difficulty. I can't do it myself because I wont be checking out the game until I know what it really is and I can only get that information from them.

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#6  Edited By golguin

@Rhaknar said:

@Fire_Of_The_Wind said:

@Rhaknar said:

@Fire_Of_The_Wind said:

You can't cut the tail of Manus, but you can give his soul to Snuggly and get a powerful sorcery from it or use it to create a catalyst. Did you fight Kalameet? Did you chop his tail off?

meh, 1 shot Kalameet (cool fight) but couldnt cut his tail, could never get the angle. Oh well. Time to kill some fire keepers and finish the game I think. I can think of the spider lady, and that knight in andor londo bonfire, who else?

edit: nvm its just those 2 aparently acording to the wiki, and it seems I missed a soul in dukes archive but I cba getting it

Since you're a strength build, you missed out on a cool weapon from Kalameet. You can finish the game with Estus +6 and pick the one in the parish to get to +7. Talk to Gough a few times again, and try attacking him a couple of times. Go around and murder every NPC before going to Gwyn.

I thought about doing that but I just went ahead and finished the game, I was just artificially extending it and I hate that. Gwyn was easy, I died twice because hes patterns were hard to get down, but its a easy fight. Funny thing on NG+, I imediatly killed the fat demon (of course) and he didnt dorp the key, the knight dude that gives you estus does. Does that happen in the normal game too if you kill the fat dude (very patiently I imagine with shit damage) the first time you meet him?

But anyway, amazing game, its right up there for game of the generation, at least it will be amongst the ones I imediatly think of looking back. And Im buying Dark Souls 2 day 1 now for sure, probably one of the few games Ill buy this year at full price. I dont think Ill even dor NG+ tho, I would much rather start over with a new character like the sorceror I mentioned and play the game completely differently.

Also, thank you to everyone that helped me during this quest, this thread deffinately helped me enjoy the game much more than I would have, in fact, I probably would have dropped it with out it. So thanks everyone, and be ready for the eventual sorceror questions :)

PS: I still think O&S is horrible :P

Now that you've beat the game I think you can appreciated the humor of these two short videos.

This 30 second video shows how you could actually fight the bosses before nerfs started to kick in.

And here we have the Dark Souls experience up to O&S encapsulated in 4 minutes.

I think you'll enjoy them both.

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#7  Edited By golguin

@Rhaknar said:

Also... God help me I'm thinking of playing again, not NG+ but a new game, as a pure caster this time (if that is even viable), I bet it's such a different experience. But I can't be playing the same game over and over again damn it, my backlog is huge :(

Pure casters still use weapons, but they buff them with spells. One of the most dangerous weapons in the game, the Moonlight Greatsword that you get from cutting off Seath's tail, scales with intelligence. Casting INT builds got a huge buff from the dark sorcery spells found in the DLC to the point that people felt they were overpowered in PVP.

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#8  Edited By golguin

Now I feel like I should check out the demo. I am reluctant to do that though since reviewers hyped up xcom and it's gameplay. Who knew the gameplay was largely disappointing and could really only be enjoyed by srpg first timers unless you went in with a high difficulty setting. I'll have to check out that review thread.

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#9  Edited By golguin

Can't play online without it. Anyone able to get it?

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#10  Edited By golguin

@golguin said:

@Rhaknar said:

loving the DLC area, and the Guardian set you can find looks great with black knight armor, really meshes (black knight helm and chest with guardian legs and gloves) :)

edit: that dragon scared the FUCK out of me jesus christ!

If you're human get ready for some serious PVP. I don't know about the PC version, but on the 360 its all invasions all the time. I'll sometimes chill for about 40 minutes and invade everyone with two characters within a 45-150 SL range. You will run across a bonfire that is just past the arena. I suggest you try out fighting against some people next to that bonfire (it's not a safe zone) because you are going to need to increase your dodging skills with the fast roll. I'm not sure how much HP you have, but you will find out that blocking will do NOTHING very soon. Lighten the load and get used to fast rolling or flipping if you have the flip ring.

no flip ring, and I have about 1250 health. When you say blocking will do nothing do you mean for a specific boss or from now on? because if its the later, that sucks :/

I mean that certain attacks essentially bypass your shield. You'll know them when you encounter them.