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6.Chrono Trigger
5.Halo series
4.Megaman series
3.Gears of War series
2.Metal gear series
1.Final Fantasy series

......Not particularly in that order, i have more but Thats just 10 i can think of out the top of my head.


Japan VS. America (in rpgs anyway)

 I have to say  I am a little upset about how people in the video game industry/community,  keep referring to RPGs  from Japan as JRPG's now.Back in the 90's games such as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and the secret of Mana series were just referred to as  RPG's . Now fast forward to 2008, games such as Mass effect  and Oblivion are now considered RPG's but games such as Final Fantasy,  the TALES of series or the legen of  ZELDA are now considered Japanese RPG's. somewhere along the way someone decided to draw a line between the two. I don't like this whole idea of seperating the two because now people are going around bashing japanese rpg's, i myself love both genre's, and i don't want to see the two clash over supremecy of which type of  rpg is better. Like back in 1997 Final Fantasy 7 was considered one of the greatest games to come out  of that time, but no one considered drawing a line between American rpg's or Japanese rpg's, but now that Amereicans are making RPG's just as good as the one's coming from japan we have to split them into their own genres  or categories, i guess what I'm trying to say is before when japanese developers were  making phenomenal RPG's no one was keeping score of who's were better, but now that Americans are making great RPG's as well, now all of the sudden its a race to see who's are  better, if that's the case why don't we refer to Knights of the old republic , mass effect, or oblivion as American RPG's. Now don't get me wrong like i said before Im a fan of both, but its like all of the sudden people are going around saying Japanese RPG's aren't as good compared to the ones coming out of the U.S. its like all of the sudden Amerecians make a couple,A COUPLE!  not hundreds like in japan i mean you have final fantasy, chrono trigger, the tales games, and phantasy star, and those are just a couple of the ones that we got over here in the U.S.but only a couple  of  good rpg's come out of the U.S. and all the sudden where the kings of the genre, oh not to mention the ultima series as well which is highly respected but if its a competition between japan and America as to who's rpgs are better, then why didn't anyone say that japan was doing great in the 90's and early 2000's when they were killing us in the rpg department now all of the sudden we don't need them anymore. its like where kicking japan when its down, sure there games have not been as revolutionary as they use to be, but do we need to rub it in their faces like  we've been doing  in recent times. and it goes deeper than rpgs,I  mean japan brought the whole video game culture back in the 80's with the NES, we grew up playing those classic games, which today we draw inspiration from tho make some of the games that we play now days. Also,though we're the country that started the making video  games in the first place, we also were the ones that killed it, with the video game crash of 1983.I've also heard that japan is stuck in the past with  thier rpgs, for example ive heard form a gaming magezine, (though i won't say any names) that they felt that Japan was stuck in 1998.Whrere not perfect either, i mean every week another fps comes out over here, i cant even get exited about them anymore because their are too many coming out, whether its another Call of Duty, Brothers in Arms, or another WW2 simulator, and not to mention all of the Guitar Hero and  Rock band, or any other type of American music games being shoved down our throats, I myself use to love guitar hero but now i can't even stand to get (again) exited about them because i know that another one is going to be coming right down the road whether it be in 3 months or 3 weeks its ridiculous, but no one wants to talk about that. I dont blaim Nintendo for not catering to the hardcore gamers, because they are a cut  throat audience, one second they're raving about one thing then they turn around and say  Well, this game is not as "revolutionary" as the Next big thing that's got their attention, so I solute them for their marketing strategy.
I'm sorry if i come off as a fan boy but enough is enough. we need to encourage them not put them down. im just a fan of  video games, we're all nerds why does they're have to be a dividing line.



I love the new website my brother introduced it to me. i was hoping to see the gamespot guys again, game reviews weren't the same without them thanks for the new site.