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#1  Edited By greennoodles

@Liam_mk said:

I don't know what the comment Leigh made was, BUT, I'm going to guess that she did not wish death upon the entire Twisted Metal staff (which is what I would assume from the reaction.) While she was at times annoying on the bombcast she seemed like a decent person and this is probably just another case of someone saying the first thing they thought of on Twitter and it being misinterpreted. Forgive and forget?

You should at least read the tweet before white knighting....

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#2  Edited By greennoodles

@Juicebox said:

@Jay444111: it's cause in places like that art isn't welcome. It would be like staging a gay pride parade there. Not to offend anyone but that's how some states are,very close minded. Oh, but I'm not saying everyone is like that.

Wow, a Jay thread where Jay does not make the most ignorant comment. I live in Missouri and there have been many gay pride parades in my city (St. Louis) and elsewhere. No one goes there and sets it on fire or protests most of the time. There is the "God hates Fags" group but that really is the exception. Don't judge the "fly over" states by how the coast based media portrays us. You would be surprised how many artists call the midwest home and thrive here.

If you were joking I am sorry, but that was very offensive if you weren't. Maybe my simple midwestern Podunk brain just doesn't get sarcasm.

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#3  Edited By greennoodles

@Maelstrom said:

To all of the (many) idiots in here arguing for used games to be abolished: what the hell do you propose that we do with our hundreds of finished games that will never ever get played again? Am I supposed to cram them and my old systems into a closet forever? Dump my stuff in a landfill?

How dare I try to get some money back from the games I played. How dare someone else enjoy a game I played.

Publishers are falling all over themselves looking to wring a few more dollars out of us. Fair enough. But if they are only interested in their own financial well being then I don't feel bad about looking out for my financial situation.

Only in the video game industry (Tea Party excluded) do people fight for enormously wealthy corporations who clearly don't have your best interests at heart. They don't even have to work hard to make a case for themselves, there are more than enough deluded or ignorant gamers out there who will happily hand over their consumer rights and give up ownership of physical products that have been purchased.

Bravo Tidel, that was a brilliant summary of the situation that we are in regarding publishers crusade to exert more control over their games even after they have been sold.

As someone put earlier, I don't think most of us want to do away with the used game industry. I do think that some of us are more accepting of the dlc/game pass stuff or don't like the way Gamestop does business. If someone were to say they want to abolish used games as a whole (unless they are arguing for digital distribution, which I am for) I would not want to be lumped in with that person lol.

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#4  Edited By greennoodles

Bustin' fools.

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#5  Edited By greennoodles

My main problem with Gamestop as a company is their policy when it comes to letting children trade-in games, or should I say lack of one. When a parent buys their kid a new game for $60, the last thing they are thinking is that that same game will be traded in for 1/3 of the price 3 weeks later but this happens all the time. Say what you will about a parent needing to keep better tabs on their children, but we all know that a 12 year old who really wants to do something (especially in the world of going to Dad's on weekends or parents having 2 jobs) will find a way to do it. For example, my 11 year old nephew got Halo: Reach for Christmas. By the end of January, he decided he wanted to see what he could get for it so he took the game to a friends house, the friend asked his Mom if they could go to the mall and there they were in Gamestop. The $20 wasn't as much as he wanted, but it was more than he had, so he traded it in for a used game that his friend thought looked cool cause there was an ATV on it that cost like 17.99. Low and behold he asked for Halo: Reach again when his birthday came around. He didn't get it of course, and when he tried to take the 17.99 game back to Gamestop (one month later) they informed him that it was now worthless. Now I don't know why he can go into a Gamestop and be allowed to make financial decisions like this when if he took the same game into a pawn shop, they would not be able to do business with him, but that is the way it is.

I remember what its like to be 11 and have the dangling carrot of "something new" in front of me, so I see why my nephew made that mistake. It's not just my nephew either. I work in retail and hear these stories all the time. Most of the time it ends with the parent saying "you should have known better" thank God, but I still think the practice of expecting a minor to understand the concept of value is shady to say the least.

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#6  Edited By greennoodles

does this work for the US too?

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#7  Edited By greennoodles

Is anyone else having a really hard time with these? I guess it could be input lag but I never have a problem with rock band etc.. For some reason I can not past one of these for the life of me!

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#8  Edited By greennoodles

Tattooed Teenage Alien fighters from Beverly hills. I know its not right but damn.

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#9  Edited By greennoodles

Great movie, but i see nothing at 28:28. Are you sure the time is right?

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#10  Edited By greennoodles

Better late than never. So I was at the Rumble Sunday and it was strange. I think the fact that St. Louis hasn't had a big show in a really long time and the fact that my tickets were pretty good clouded my judgement a bit. We had a great time and I left really high on the show, but when I thought about it the next day I realized it was crap. Is there such a thing as live goggles?