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Fighting game fans! The wiki needs you!

Over the past couple of days, I've gotten into the flow of doing some edits on wiki pages for fighting game characters, as I noticed a lot of them were springing back up on the Recent Edits character listing. Unfortunately, I've noticed a few things. Outside of the heavy hitters like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, the majority of the character pages are either:

  • Blank or nearly blank, with little to no information.
  • Poorly written, with Engrish all over the place.
  • Plagiarism City.

(On the note regarding plagiarism, I've been reminded by the moderators that any plagiarism found should be reported to the mods to be dealt with as needed and not actively edited to remove it yourself. The more you know!)

So this is where you guys and gals come in. The wiki task system may no longer exist, but that doesn't mean that some manner of effort can't be organized to put more of these character pages for the lesser known/less popular fighting games in shape. Let us work together and get this shit done!

Do it for the Ninja Maid Cranes! Uh...Maid Ninja Cranes? Crane Maid Ninjas?
Do it for the Ninja Maid Cranes! Uh...Maid Ninja Cranes? Crane Maid Ninjas?

You know what I mean. (Or maybe you don't.) The point is, the wiki could always use more help to get things in shape, organized, up-to-date, informative and readable. A community effort to get the suck out of the character pages in the fighting genre seems like a good a place as any to start. And even if you don't know much about some of these characters, that can't stop you from at least cleaning up the horrendous grammar that's crept their way in to some of the pages.


*Prepares the tumbleweed machine, just in case.*