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Get on your horse and check out my new track, "Riders of Vengeance": | And if you misse...

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Mario on Harpejji & other delights...


I'm learning to play some video game tunes on the Harpejji. Here's a bit of Overworld 2 from Super Mario Bros 3.
  The goal is to eventually be able to play the bass and lead simultaneously; but yeah, the above will have to do for now. :)


Harpejji aside, I still sequence stuff and put together the majority of a track yesterday. It's unfinished, but check it out anyways, it's close enough:
or in video form, accompanied by Beat Hazard, where in I die a lot:
 Oh yeah... just remembered:


I made a horrible mash up last month and neglected to share it here. Perhaps you are familiar with chiptune pop band Anamanaguchi. Perhaps you are also familiar with Taylor Swift...