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Let's Start This New Year with a Bang!

Wow is it really another year already? I apologize again for taking so long to post this but thing have been crazy for the last few months between school family and friends, but on the bright side I have quite a bit of news to report on and another character design to unveil!  
To start this thing off there’s been plenty going on with the writing side of things. The month of December in particular was a hot bed of writing activity, in that time span I was able to finish the fourth issue, make two sets of cosmetic tweaks to the first issue and write well over half of issue five. That alone would have made it a great month but fortunately I was able to go even further than that by making one of my future villain characters even more menacing than his original design plus some new design ideas for one of my main characters that would take place in arc 2 or 3. Add onto the fact that I was able to plot out a proper close for the first arc and a good chunk of arc 2 and I think it’s safe to say that this has been an exceptional month for me with writing.  
This month has also been an exceptional month for my artist Ayers, in the last two months he has been able to finish the remaining pencils for the preview issue. All I have to say to that is that this is going to be one sick looking comic when he’s through with it and one the first page or two is completed with the inks and colors I’ll be sure to post it up. It’s an indescribable feeling to see my first story come to life on the page and I cannot wait to show this to you guys. On the publisher front I’m not entirely sure if I’ve officially said this before but from what the publisher has told me this preview issue will be posted online to view for free. If anything changes with this I’ll be sure to let you know since I’d hate to false advertise to you guys. Other than that things have been pretty quiet on the publisher front.  
So for the next character to be unveiled I would like to introduce you to Hannibal. Unlike everyone else who’s been introduced to you guys so far Hannibal really isn’t that great of a person. Actually that’s putting it lightly, the proper way to describe him is that he’s a bastard that just so happens to be fighting for the good guys for the time being. Some of Hannibal’s basic character traits are that he loves to kill (cause what psycho doesn’t enjoy a good slaughter from time to time?) and will go out of his way to get said kill even if it endangers the lives of his teammates. That aside though when I was writing this character I made sure not to make him the one note psycho villain that sometimes happens with this genre, so with that said I went out of my way to make him a very bright character actually who is capable of messing with people’s heads (which he does verbally quite a bit in this series) it’s just that he adopts that crazy persona so that people will underestimate his mental prowess.   
There certainly is more that I could say about him but I think it’s best if you finally saw what I was talking about. Mind you this is Ayers ‘ first design with the character and since then he has had quite a bit of “homemade” additions to his face but regardless of that he does a really great job of condensing the character into one image and I hope you enjoy him as much as I enjoy writing him.  So with that said here is the image and with this character unveiled there is only one more character left to be shown but you’ll see him in the blog. Anyway I hope you guys like the image and I can’t wait to hear what you think of the news.