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Frustating gameplay and Sony

Day 5 in a daily blog about a gaming journalist.

 So I was playing Fairytale Fights yesterday, and it was an alright game, albeit a little repetitive, until I got to Chapter 6: The most annoying and stupid level ever. In terms of the actual level itself, it's fairly straightfoward, with my epic gripe with it being that they just repeat the assets. For example, there's this massive cat that swipes at the floor and you have to get through at the right time. Pretty simple platforming item, but here's the problem PlayLogic: IF YOU KEEP PUTTING MILLIONS OF THOSE CATS IN THE LEVEL IT GETS REPETITIVE. For a game praised with having "amazing creativity" they really use the same stuff a lot. 
Now I normally don't rage at games, and I might've been able to keep going with the game even with that utter piece of laziness, but when you get to the boss is where it really pisses you off. I'm not going to explain it as it's fairly complex and I don't want to spoil the game for those that actually want to play this game, but let's just put it like this: In a normal platforming game, if say the floor you're standing on is going to fall, or a platform is going to close and another one your going to jump on is going to open, you get what we call a "visual cue", in other words something flashes or moves to subconsciously tell you  "Move your goddamn ass before you fall to your doom". In Fairytale Fights in this particular boss, you get no visual cue, which means you have to literally guess or memorize a certain pattern to move up or on in the level. In other words: You die a lot. 
Moving on from that rant and other news in my land of videogame journalism, Sony's let us know that we will be receiving their upcoming games in the form of review copies for the PS3


PSP, and on top of that, we will be receiving a loan debug unit so we can really preview games quite a while before they are released. So that's actually made me quite happy and made me stop raging at that gripe with the game. 
Anyway, time to stop glowing in that happy piece of news and move on to playing some more Fairytale Fights... oh God I hope it gets better.